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Hey everyone, just wanted to touch bases real quick since I didn't manage to produce anything for February. I'm still alive, still kicking, I've just had a very unpredictable work schedule that's kept me from being as productive on the video front as I'd like to be.

Rest assured, I am working on the final Animorphs Book Guide, and it should be done in a matter of weeks. It's going to stand as the longest video of the series, as it's both a book review and kind of summery of the series as a whole.  I'm also gradually collecting resources for the upcoming Doctor Who book guide, there shouldn't be a huge gap between the final episode of Animorphs and the first episode of Doctor Who.

Other things to look forward to! Reuploading all the requested reviews! Doing more requested reviews! Everworld!  Breaking Spines! Probably a video on Barney the Dinosaur for some reason! It might not look it yet, but I'm aiming to make 2016 the most exciting year yet for the Pop Arena. Thank you all for sticking with me. :)



I'm still hoping you'll do up some sort of series ending musical number like you did for the TV Show. After...how many years now I'm going to need some closure! XD BTW, can you release a chart of the books and the ratings you gave them, perhaps with the release date, author and some additional comments about how they fit in the arc. Might help make it easier to visualize patterns re: quality.