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Hey everybody!

On of the perks as being a patron for the Pop Arena is being able to advertise your own content at the end of my Doctor Who Book Guide videos. I've recently expanded to include my Everworld and Goosebumps videos as well, and it's time I checked in and see who wanted to participate in this.

This is a rotating advertisement block with two ads per video, plus links to your content in the description of the video. If you'd like to participate, just leave me a link to your own content in the comments section of this post. This includes people who are already participating, some people have declined from this perk, some people have changed their content and/or their links, and I'd like an accurate, up-to-date listing. Even if you've given me the link before, send it my way again.

Thank you all for your patronage and support. You guys are awesome, and I hope to live up to that awesomeness. :)


Terra Home

<a href="https://anoverlookingview.wordpress.com" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://anoverlookingview.wordpress.com</a>

Sean Dillon

Fearful Symmetry: <a href="https://thekinginredandblue.blogspot.com" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://thekinginredandblue.blogspot.com</a>