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As many of you now know, Patreon is making a number of changes at the behest of Apple, none of them good, but completely out of our hands.

First off, for those who use Patreon's iOS app, starting this November the only method of payment available to you will be Apple's in-app purchasing system, which will add a 30% fee on top of whatever you're paying to Patreon. That up charge goes straight into Apple's pockets, none of it goes to the creators of Patreon. That sucks, and if you're using the iOS app I highly recommend dropping it and switch to accessing Patreon through the website, where all the usual payment methods will still be available.

On top of this, Patreon has decided to cease the per-creation model and will only allow the monthly subscription model. I don't like this. Since the very beginning, I have worked under philosophy that if I don't make a video, you don't pay for a video, which I think (I hope) has developed a level of trust between me and you. The per-creation model has also helped me modulate my earnings that will no longer be available to me.

At some point I'm going to have to switch the monthly subscription model, probably next month. How you decide to deal with that is up to you. You may want to consider what you're budgeting for your patronage. If you've been paying $1 per video, and I average three videos a month, you might want to consider doing $3 a month when we switch to subscriptions. However, the math is entirely up to you.

This is all coming at a pretty rough time. I'm still homeless, still couch surfing, still without a working car, so a big shake up like this only makes things more complicated for everyone. I'm sorry if this is a major inconvenience to you, and I hope I can make these changes work for all of us in the near future.


Jasmine Zantara

Thank you for the update and information. I myself was unaware of any impending changes. I will switch to a monthly rate for you if you make the change. I use both the app on my I-phone and my PC laptop to access Patreon. I wonder how that will affect my billing?

Mark Alvarado

Hey, Greg. This is Mark. I’ve been contributing to Patreon for a couple of years now, and I enjoy your Nick Knacks episodes you post. I like learning about Nickelodeon’s past and how the shows they aired came to be. Just one question. What did you mean by “homeless”? Are you living with your parents? As for that post I saw last year about your old computer going kaput, I was one of the few who contributed $100 to your fund because I enjoy watching Nick Knacks. Here’s hoping you do more full episodes in the months to come. As for I pay to Patreon, I do it through the iOS app. I may have to change my method of payment and do it on the web. I do the $1 per video plan and it suits my budget well. Take care.