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Jan 21: small fix for integration of a menu

Jan 19: integration fix for m4 and OLL's "Multiple Exclusive Relationships", fix for surrogate agency calls

Jan 3: tweaked a little oversight

Main changes:


  • In addition to the pill, Sims can now also get shots, patches, and copper and hormonal IUDs.
  • We also have new Non Medical options now (in addition to the pre existing 'Woohoo protection items'): pull out method and cycle based partial abstinence approach.
  • hormonal birth control side effects are now optional


  • Now Sims will be reacting upon pregnancy discovery about what protection they used and what failed.
  • 'bemoan not using protection' now changes to 'bemoan protection failure' if a pregnancy occurred due to failure of protection.
  • Now Sims can tell a child they were the result of a birth control failure / accident


  • I changed the setting for cyclical system a bit. Now it will apply to everyone always if it's on, and apply to nobody if it's off. But you can still opt out individual Sims from the cycles if it's set to on.
  • Now you can customize cycle length.
  • per persistent requests, now there is an optional simple period aspect to cycles.

There will be a Second Pass of updates to this with more additions later.


For more details on what's current / the new stuff, DESCRIPTION POST HERE



Glad to see periods are optional - though I will probably give yours a try. They are great for realism, I just never loved the WW buffs so ended up turning them off there.


You are awesome! Thank you for all your hard work!


I never had much interest in putting that in game myself. So my mod's cycle simply didn't have them. But that was a problem for many users. So now they can have it if they want. And in the end I'm not unhappy to have done it, as I kept it super super simple and didn't make myself follow my original WIP of two years ago which was hyper detailed and to be honest weirded me out aha. But like this, in the end it was fun to have an interaction to discuss first period and such so I don't regret adding the option


First period ❤️, yes that's a milestone for sure! We'll see if I need it, haven't raised a female sim in 3 generations, haven't had a female heir in 4! The game just keeps giving me boys 😄


Oh! Where is the download link?


I apologize, my internet was no loading the full page apparently. Thank you for having patience :)


I'm screaming at the ability to tell a child they were the result of a birth control failure! That's wild & exactly what I need in my game, thanks!


Is there another way to download? I've tried 2 different browsers, zoomed in and out, and cleared browser history but I can't get the links to show. Just the image that says download links with the blue arrows.

Wenelda Ruwyn

Oh cool! Thank you for your work!

Jo Cara

You are just spoiling us :D How much is this integrated with ww sex at this point?


Pull out is not taken into account by WW as being that WW has animations, that would be stupid to apply to it as the animations don't do the thing lol. The medical birth control methods are recognized by WW

Jo Cara

Makes sense lol Can we assign these options to NPCs?


What do you mean by that? Not sure if that answers it but if your sim has a relationship with another they can ask them to start birth control in which case you can choose the type for them

Jo Cara

Oh sorry I wasn't more clear. Can we assign birth control preferences to NPCs? Via Toolbox for example. This way I can assign to others without having to play them (or move them to a home to play them) or having a relationship with them. This would work best for story-telling and more casual encounters. I hope I make sense now!


A few npc's have condoms and a few are auto assigned various birth control. Other than that, when asking another sim to start birth control, they don't have to be a played sim for that, your played sim can ask npc's just fine and set it up for them that way But I could also have a cheat to just make the choice and have it instantly apply if that's what you mean


Thank you for these new features ❤️


Thank you you are greatly appreciated!!

Jo Cara

Yes, the cheat would be great. It is just for story-telling purposes to give an impression of NPC autonomy that isn't active-sim driven. That's how I use the Sim Info Manager :D Thank you so much, this is such an amazing update.

Marie Giffin

Will this work with WW and a.deep.indigo's healthcare redux?


Medical birth control of my mod is recognized by WW sex same way as before. With Adeepindo I'm not aware of any compatibility requirements based on the existence of this update


You're always adding things I didn't know I needed :O

Aniis Le Neve

Thank you for this update. Just a quick question. If I want to use Littlemssam miscarriage mod should I delete your miscarriage module?


It's up to you. They don't conflict but I don't recommend throwing two different miscarriage systems on those poor Sims aha

Ms. Book

You can always depend on me to be supportive of your work! i swear i stan for you! (in my best daphne voice!)


hi what is the setting file?


It's exactly that! A file that stores the settings set by you, the user, for the mod the setting file belongs to. When you install such a mod for the very first time, it loads with default settings. Then if you change them in game, it writes them down to apply.

Samantha Jackson

Oh my gosh, I love this!!! Is there a way to "force" a failure protection pregnancy? I'd love to use it in story telling purposes. Ie: Teen mom who doesn't really want kids but oopsie, it happens! Thank you so much for all you do!


You control the rate of failure in settings since a few versions ago, so you can turn it up all the way to 100% temporarily to achieve that

Lauren Kelly

Thank you! This is amazing, also has become a "can't live without" mod in my game! I love it!


Oh you ate with the BC patch!!!

Adekanbi Gaynor

OMG!!!? About to go HAMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!??? >:D

Betina Dinesen

How can they get the new Birth control?

Evangelina Silvercloud

Hello from Austria, Lumpinou ;) First of all I wish you a Happy New Year. May all your wishes come true. Stay safe and healthy. Unfortunately I cannot reach your website. I keep getting a message saying that the site is unavailable. Can you please tell me what could be causing this? Lovely greetings

Sheila Lobert

Yay!! This is amazing! Once I get my book published and actually got around to updating my game and mods for the For Rent patch, I'll be very excited to play with these new updates!


With the same interaction as before, it's called something like 'go to the doctor to start birth control'


Hi and thanks 💙Unfortunately I have no idea what you would not be able to access the sites. It works fine here. Sorry. Happy New Year's and best wishes to you too


mc command center keeps saying this mod is an old version and giving me an error file

Stephanie Louise

Good evening from the UK! I absolutely adore you're mod and I can not play the game without it! I am, however, having a slight issue with one feature at the minute. My sim has gotten pregnant using IUI (using her husband as the donor). However, her pregnancy isn't progressing. She's had the moodlets about successful procedure after a positive pregnancy test and all the other normal pregnancy moodlets, however they don't have the time countdown to the next trimester and when I cheat it with MCCC she doesn't get a bump of anything. Not sure it it's an issue with your mod or something is conflicting as I have a lot of mods, hoping you're able to help somehow. Thank you again for your amazing mod.


Hi, if you come to discord we can check out logs about your sim to see what's wrong with them


You are so amazing! Somehow you always find ways to improve an already impressive mod!

Jessica J Williams

My sim is feverish from uniary tract infection. I can't find where to make her go to the Dr. Anyone know where it is? I have version 2.97


I am SOOO excited for this!


je rencontre un soucis la fenetre pour gerer le mod RPO napparait pas en jeu je la trouve nul part ou alors jai pas tout telecharger


helloo, my sims keep getting pregant when i use woohoo. is there conflicts with other mids stopping the birth control?


If you have Mc Woohoo risk enabled, that doesn't listen to anything but itself


Problème d'installation probablement, faut voir des tutoriels ou passer sur Discord pour qu'on vérifie


ahhh okay thankyou! if i turn off risky woohoo will your 5% failure rate also kick in?


Woohoo has pregnancy risk with rpo m2 installed. How much exactly depends on your settings. The 'failure rate' is protection failure rate, and is also customizable


RPO global setting won't open for me


Hey I'm not able to access the new birth control version, it only he has the old birth control version.


Hiya! I am having some trouble and just thought I would reach out. I downloaded this mod yesterday and since thenI cant get any further than the loading screen and the game wont let me play any family. I have BE and it says it is this mod? I have taken it out of my game and its running fine but I refuse to play without your mod! Any suggestions on what to do?


Hi there's no such problems with rpo, that is certainly an installation issue


i've collected almost all of your mods...it was time to be a patron. thank you!!! Please note this a compliment: the updated pregnancy mod is wild. it's a lot to handle the new load of social interactions. it's serious stuff but i've been laughing out loud... zero glitches. when i read my MCCC script errors, they're the usual, harmless notes when a new mod is added.


Hi, i'm using Version 2.97 of your Mod. I noticed that the Fertility of my Female Sim is always 1% when i check the Level. I use the default Cyclical Setting. In the past (previous Version) it switched between 14 and 23%. Now it never is more than 1%


Hi, have you tried re assigning it? If you come to discord to share a Sim log that would be useful


Hello! How does my goes to the doctor and/or how does she get the medical methods protection? I''ve been playing for some days and can't find an option


Hi, I just subscribed as I love your mods, such as the memory panel and especially the RPO and all its various modules, which allow me to create more truthful and engaging stories with my sims! So congratulations on all your work! But where can I find the link to download RPO v2.97 in Early Access?


Hi and thanks a lot! As it says at the top of this post and in the mod index, that's not on early access anymore, so, it's in the usual rpo download pages. You can find them listed on the mod index! Thanks!


I'm having a weird issue where my sim is pregnant, goes into labor, and doesn't have a baby. Her belly disappears and then there's a moodlet that says pregnant 2nd trimester but she should definitely be in labor. It's happened in 2 different saves. I'm gonna delete and redownload the mod but idk what would conflict. I only use your mods and healthcare redux


Hey, I love you're mod. Just a quick question. When a Sim on her her period. Dose she need to buy tampons or pads?


Hi! No, I didn't really want to go to that level of details (initially I had a very detailed system in the works like three years ago but abandoned it because it just seems too much to me ah). So it gives them moodlets and interactions and it stops at that :)


For some reason, I never get the "Doesn't know the father" buff, but also I have no way to figure out who the dad with without a cheat/going back and asking one by one. Is this a known issue?


Nope, sounds like a mod conflict, we can help you figure it out with logs on discord

Tia Washington

hello where can I download the new update for the current patch update ? love your work


Quick question, how do I find the cyclical system? I been using your mods since they first came out and I can't live without them lol.