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Hello everyone <3


So, we are still on the expansions of pre-existing RPO mods.

It will take us through many weeks still, because there are a lot of RPO mods and I would like to add new things to / modify all of them, as we have discussed in previous posts (and with some examples.)

The past few updates have already seen the first of these expansions and changes come to fruition.

Now, I will keep working and probably make releases little by little so that you keep getting the new content as it gets done.


Since November, I am mostly focusing these efforts on:
1- Additional Systems for the Paternity Tests, allowing to test relatedness between any child and Sim that could be the parent, forever (the current system allows testing for the latest child of a birther sim but not for the previous ones. The new additional system works for any child that hasn't had a paternity test before)
2- and by extension, systems to keep track of extended family more explicitly and allow for genetic testing to find one's relatives of any kind.

FOR #1: 

(= additional Systems for the Paternity Tests, allowing to test relatedness between any child and Sim that could be the parent, forever)

The difficulty is integration within the existing systems of the Paternity mod. 

Otherwise, it should be fairly similar, except instead of asking a partner to do a test, the Sims are going to have to ask the child if child is old enough - because they have to come with them for the DNA testing. This can add another layer to your storytelling. What if your Teen... Doesn't really want to know who the bio parent is, thinks it doesn't matter, and tries to convince the doubtful parent asking for the test that family is more than blood? But every added layer means... more work and more headache here aha, so, this takes a while.

For #2:

(= systems to keep track of extended family more explicitly)


This whole system develops on previous systems of RPO for tracking relatives. The existing systems do so for the purpose of prevention of inappropriate romance; this expanded system does so for quality-of-life and gameplay.


It is a versatile system based on your settings.

It can auto track and auto label for you up to great great grandparents / children, second cousins, first cousins twice removed / great grand aunts / nieces, and such.
You can thank a special someone on Discord who kindly held my hand through my attempting to understand distant cousin links.

It can also make this into gameplay by having the sins discover their relatives through DNA testing, as opposed to auto labeling. That's up to you.


There has been a point where I kind of lost track of where I wanted to take this, because at first I wanted it to be an alternative to the family tree, but due to dead Sims being basically entirely wiped out of the game, it wouldn't do much more than the tree to begin with... So I refocused it into some sort of 'living family' focused element, so, keeping track of and connecting with all living distant and close relatives. 


There are options for you to decide how the system works.
In essence it is inspired of ancestry testing apps in real life.

To get their DNA on the app and find connections, Sims can do a DNA test in person (rabbit hole), or can order a test and do it at home then send it back.

You can set it so that:
Choice A: all Sims automatically have their DNA in the database, and therefore, all relatives known = all relatives in existence. In this scenario, the age at which the sims' DNA auto enters the app is also customizable.
Choice B: only Sims who decide to do DNA testing appear on the SimLines app and therefore only them exist in its database for other sims to find out a connection to them.

(reminder that I made this type of filtered windows inspired by an idea of ChippedSim)

Sims can use the app to see their living relatives, and if they click on one of them, they can decide to open their profile, invite them, see that Sims' relatives from that Sim's perspective, and perhaps more in the future.

The app will also offer an event for gathering of all your sim's known relatives.


Just about all the tracking and populating in various scenarios has been done for a while. This is an actual headache in parts (for example, when a sim is on the app but another isn't, to accommodate for their non matching knowledge of each other) and not a straightforward affair and I'm still pushing that part of things through necessary tests and adjustments.

But the biggest "Headache" aspect will be to integrate other parts of RPO with this. Obviously, Sims should have some sort of reaction if via this DNA app, they figure biological father is not who they thought; similarly, if a sim discover they're adopted via this, they also need to react. I haven't even started doing that. 

Then of course there should also be little gameplay elements, interactions et cetera, getting notified every time a new relative is added to the app, etc, which I haven't started at all either yet.


This being a pretty tiring project, I have and perhaps again might work on other things alongside or in between working on parts of it.

It is the kind of project that requires clear focus every step of the way, which means that every time I'm more tired, I have to leave it aside and work on something else. For example, like I did with the new little mod that I released yesterday, and other RPO additions I made earlier this month. 

So, Please don't be in a hurry because I have no idea when I will be done with this :D



I will take some days off soon. I'm a human with various hand problems. I shouldn't do this every day of the year yet I basically do. So, time for a bit of rest :)


Thanks everyone and till later!


Breoni Hester

ah, you're right!! i don't know why i thought it was from RPO....thank you!


This would go so well with my game play. I have a story where Johnny Zest is Nancy's love child with Nick Alto. This comes out when his daughter does a 23andme to find her mother's family. But since my game glitched and I lost everything so I'll probably have it all up and running by the time you get finished


Truly appreciate your efforts and how much work you put into all of this for us! I look forward to all the new aspects you give us for legacy building. All my love and thanks to you. <3


Did you make this mod yet

Ugochi Ehiogu

One of the mods I will never play sims without!! Keep it up and we can’t wait!!


I cannot wait to get an update on this! The modder I literally made a patreon for <3 your work amazes me, and I also cannot play sims anymore without it! It really changes the game for the better in so many ways! Appreciate you so much <3 :)