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Hello everyone <3

0. The last words on this week's patch

For those who missed it, I did update the original status post on 7 December. Feel free to check that page if you're still unsure about the status of any of my mods.

Really this time around the mod breakage that happened was for the most part due to one single issue which was quickly resolved thanks to the minds of Turbodriver, Frankk, TwistedMexi. So I am thankful for that.


I was tired on update days and patch days and didn't have it in me to write update notes properly. So, just in case you missed it, these things also came with v2.962:

- New setting: you can now allow Elder pregnancy
– new setting: you can now customize the chance of birth control protection failure
– new setting: you can now choose to allow asexual sims to woohoo (if you use my lgbtqia mod, you won't see that setting, as that's the default feature of that mod to begin with)
- integration elements for adeepingo's upcoming updates
- visual changes

There was other stuff, but I don't really remember. Like I said, I haven't been keeping track very well. I've been updating this collection constantly recently and it's easy to forget what I do when.



When you want to know what's going on with another Sim mood-wise, sure you can use cheats and other interfaces (such as the 'view ' options in my "Sim info manager", but I figured some of you might enjoy a slightly more 'gameplay' way of doing that, via conversation.

So now, you have this interaction, in the friendly menu, under "deep thoughts".

When asked this question, Sims respond with their dominant mood, and information regarding what moodlets triggered and / or support it.

At first, I was making them refuse to answer sometimes, based on friendship, social context etc. But then I figured that this might be frustrating if you're just trying to have a quick and easy way to know something about another sim you're not playing. It gets frustrating in testing for me, so it might for you when playing. Let me know your opinion on that choice.


I don't normally do early access for small mods. I usually don't do it for small updates either (such as RPO update from v2.961 to v2.962, which didn't have any early access).

However, the new mini mod will have 3 SYMBOLIC days of early access.

This week, I am really tired. Not tired of you who support me of course. Tired from the patch, a little, but perhaps mostly tired by unsavory interactions. Literally got insulted in a foreign language for basically no reason, for an example that's a bit amusing. Tired, and sometimes feeling even worse at seeing the kind of messages or treatment that other modders get too.

Mind you this would be more okay if I weren't already giving everything I can to modding.
At some point, what more is there to give? At what point will these users just be satisfied?
And when I get to these thoughts... Well, I don't really want to skip early access, even on something that didn't take me weeks to make.

You are here, supporting me. So in some way, you must value my work. But here's the thing, here's the secret. I usually don't. Deep down I don't understand why you're here, what for, because most times I don't see any worth in that work I do.
I want to start valuing my work better. To value myself. For you as well as for me. Because your words of encouragement deserve to be better taken to heart.

This mini mod took me just a few hours. Yet - the knowledge it is based on is the result of three years of work, and the infrastructure that supports it took some weeks. I don't have to treat it like it's nothing, and perhaps if I don't, people will be less tempted to assume that what we do never takes any time, no work, no effort, that what we do IS nothing.

(In the grand scheme of things, ABSOLUTELY it is nothing. Virtual bits of virtual code for a virtual game. I'm not a doctor saving lives. I'm not building bridges and houses. It will never have that value. But it doesn't mean it has to have none at all either.
When you're the ones doing that virtual work, you can't think of it that way, and you don't. You think of it in terms of hours and in days, in passion, in frustration, in excitement, in disappointment... in terms of life!)

There is another plus to doing this 'symbolic' early access, and that is, to show that it is YOU who keep me going, YOU who support me, and you who deserve the perks for it.
Every single day ever since this modding adventure started.
I cannot put it in words, and it brings tears to my eyes. You give me life, day by day. I don't believe I deserve the support I get, but everyday, I try to earn it.



I am grateful for all your amazing work... im new to mods and your mods were the first to download and I love them!!! thank you for being awesome..


For society as a whole, most people's actions have very little impact, but for individuals, people can have large impacts. What may be seen as a tiny bit of code by others, is a massive improvement for me. Being able to see my experiences in a game is worth everything, your LGBTQIA+ mod is so important for me as a trans man. I value your mods so highly that, even if you didn't have early access I would still be a patron. I am honestly upset with the amount of toxicity in the sims 4 community and I have all the respect for modders who have to deal with it. I look at the mods you put out and I am so impressed, even if I was able to think up the mods, I would have no idea how to start. Coding is hard. All of us patrons respect the effort that goes into the learning and the tools to create mods. I pay for patreon because I respect your abilities and want to show my appreciation and if my contribution helps make your daily life easier, it's worth it. Your mods make me happy.