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Hello everyone and thanks for your support 💙

I hope you've been enjoying the RPO feature update of last week (for those who missed it, it was the new system to optionally delay automatic pregnancy discovery further, described here).
And on that topic - Adeepindigo's updates of a few days ago added full compatibility with the new features, so go update her stuff if you use it and hadn't updated yet.


Today brings another, smaller update, here's what's new.
You don't HAVE to update, it's up to you.


***** New option in m7 *****

A tiny new option added to M7: 'set to not be jealous with a specific partner' 

I get Questions about this regularly, so,
Here's a reminder of all the custom jealousy situations available in my mods:

  • approved side partners (Open Love Life):  Sim's partner is not jealous of Sim interacting with the Approved Side Partner, but will be jealous of Sim interacting with non approved others.
  • multiple exclusive relationship (Open Love Life): : a couple of 3 within which nobody is jealous but outside of which jealousy applies.
  • open relationships (Open Love Life):  everyone in the open relationship is jealous of nobody else in it, no matter who they interact with
  • not jealous for kissing (RPO M7): Sim is not jealous of their partner kissing others
  • not jealous for Woohoo (RPO M7): Sim is not jealous of their partner woohooing others
  • not jealous for anything (RPO M7 / OLL): as it says.
  • jealous only for Woohoo (RPO M7): as it says.
  • not jealous of specific Sim (RPO M7): Sim is not jealous no matter what this specific partner does with anyone else. Sim will still be jealous for other partners if any. 

These things are of course cumulative so all sorts of combinations are possible.
And YES it also applies to WW stuff now.

***** Various little fixes *****

There's more than this but those are what I remember.

- Played Sims who think they've gotten an NPC pregnant are now properly able to go to a paternity test with said NPC :)

- changing pregnancy loss risk would then open the Woohoo drive window afterwards; not anymore

- 'show relations' had been broken for people while don't use my life milestones or memory panel mods, that's now fixed. It also now uses a new system, of the same type as the one mentioned in the next section.

***** New 'master window' for 'Sim Status' cheats and special actions *****

Last update, I added a 'master window' for seeing all of and changing any of your Sim's RPO attributes in the same place. Remember? this:

(Now I've also added it to the Actions menu when clicking on other Sims, to quickly view all their stuff from your Sim too, but, that's not the new thing yet)

The new 'sim actions' window is in the same vein.
People sometimes don't remember under what menu and submenus some cheats and special actions are. This new interaction gathers them all up in the same place in case you can't find what you are looking for under the usual dedicated menus.
It doesn't replace the original location of cheats and special actions, it's an alternate path to the same thing.

A version of this is also available under Actions for using those for sims who aren't your active one.

Please note that the idea to categorize choices (the drop down menu you see on the top right) was an idea of ChippedSim! She spoke of doing categories for something in her own mods and mentioned it could be cool in other mods too and so, inspired by the idea I made categorization abilities within my own systems too.
PS go check her stuff out it is always imaginative, fun and carefully made! If you like pets and / or ghosts you'll be extra happy you did.

Other than that...

***** What I'm working on now *****

I have some doubts about what I'm currently working on in terms of whether or not it'll be of interest to a majority, but time will tell (yes it's all still RPO expansions as voted and announced prior.)

I likely won't release any new features until after the December 5th patch and Dec. 7 pack release, but the new stuff I'm working on now will likely come out then (at patch updates).




Mod Index here 


Until later!



Hey I’m having a problem where my sims are having pregnancy symptoms and they aren’t pregnant she was pregnant but now she’s not and it’s giving her pregnancy moodlits


Hi, we can't conclude anything without knowing the exact moodlets that are getting given unfortunately, and seeing a log of the sim would also help. You can specify all that over on discord if you want :)

Charlie B

I'm having an issue where I've set my sims pregnancy to cryptic but then the pregnancy isn't progressing at all, she's stuck in the 1st trimester!


If it's a cryptic pregnancy, there's nothing to show she's pregnant and no moodlets and the Sim's pregnancy doesn't show a trimester but Not Showing, all of that being normal. If it's any different than that, you set it to cryptic too late or wrong

뿌잉 뀨잉

I only downloaded this file, but since I put it in the MODS file and run it, nothing has changed, what should I do


Hi, Check that you installed properly, here's a tutorial https://lumpinoumods.com/how-to-install-sims-4-mods/