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Hello everyone! :3
Got quite a bit to discuss today!

FIRST: if you use Meet&Mingle, make sure you have RPO CORE files updated to July 20th version.



Everything discussed below is in testing right now and will be released for patrons within the next few days.

(And "Expanded WooHoo" is still in early access, and also still getting more stuff developed for its next update)




To further expand on concepts of my mods Expanded WooHoo, Open Love Life and mod 7 of the RPO collection (cheating overhaul), some new features are coming to the latter. They give you a chance to nuance even further your Sims' individual take on 'cheating' situations.

Those new features are:

- extra aspects you can add to your Sims to further define when they will be jealous or not (yes you can have several at once);

- and a new setting to decide if romantic contacts should always be considered exclusive from the very first flirt, or should be considered nonexclusive by default until deciding to commit via "ask to be boyfriend/girlfriend".




Animated .gifs for demo:


------ VIEW SIM DETAILS ------

– basic details (age, career, cas gender, orientations, pregnancy abilities, pregnancy status, etc)
– moodlets
– buffs
– traits
– statistics
– commodities
– relationship statuses (to/from target)
– sentiments (to/from target)
– queued and running interactions

The lists are all alphabetized.

When there are hidden and visible elements showing under the same list, they are separated (hidden ones are shown in brackets []).

To make it easy to know what mod something is from, whenever possible the filename of items is also shown.

For elements that shouldn't be modified via direct addition or removal, the mod grays them out or warns you, to keep cheating safer.

------ MODIFY SIM DETAILS: change / add / remove ------

– basic details (all aspects of gender, orientations, pregnancy abilities, etc)
– moodlets
– buffs
– traits
– statistics
– commodities
– relationship statuses (to/from target)
– sentiments (to/from target)
– cancel interactions
- remove romance bar

Example menu: Add Sentiment


– log Sim details
– log mod files installed
– view mod files installed in game

Logs are .txt files that get created in your Mods folder if you tell the mod to create them.
File logs will show you duplicate files as well as zip files, if any are in the mods folder. Logs of Sim details show everything mentioned above under 'view Sim details', as well as milestones.

--- SETTINGS ---

You can choose whether the menu for this mod should appear on the front page menu on Sims, or under the "actions" menu


Simplicity and transparency are what I was going forward this one. If you're afraid of file logs, or Sim info logs, you might find it less scary to just view this stuff directly in game, and this step might bridge those gaps for you, making you more empowered to take care of your mods folder and your game.

This is a lightweight tool:

– It does NOT run any processes in the background;
– it does NOT impact or alter any game system;
– it does NOT do anything except when you are using its menus and telling it to do things;
– therefore, it should not be able to conflict with anything; it should also be fairly patch resistant; it won't slow down your game either or anything like that.




For info on how this mod came to be and why, you can check the indented paragraphs below.
Feel free to skip if you would like :)

This mod is:
- in part, a merge and rework of the various cheats I have put in my existing mods (RPO Collection and lgbtqia+);
- in part, an expansion of logging features that I have made for RPO Collection originally;
- in part, brand-new stuff inspired by my needs when working on mods and the needs of troubleshooters and users when dealing with mod support.
Used to be, if I wanted to see what traits or relationship statuses were on a particular Sim, I would go under my own cheats to remove those things; this was okay, but sometimes I made mistakes and accidentally clicked on them and ended up removing them.
The other option was using "show Sim info" by Ita, but a. that's an abandoned mod (Frankk adopted it to fix it when it breaks for patches but that's it) and b. the way it outputs text is hard to read and parse for me and c. It doesn't really make the separations that I need.
Frankk said he is completely fine with me making my own take of some of those concepts, hence some additions in Sim info toolbox that are reminiscent of Show Sim Info in concept.
MCCC can also do a lot of things that this mod's "Modify Sim Details" department does. It is just a matter of design and presentation really; I have MCCC in game, I have this in game, I use the game's own debug cheats, which also overlap with a lot of both of these things - and might even keeps Show Sim Info too! Different needs at different times, and as for users it might be, different needs for different users.



Everything discussed above is in testing right now and will be released for patrons within the next few days.


Till next time!
- Lumpinou



Thanks Lumpinou! The relationship/ cheating/ jealousy functionality is flawed in base game (sims get jealous after 1 or 2 romance interactions even when not in an exclusive relationship) so this setting is definitely a game changer! 🙃

Miss Kaylee

So in my game one of my sims went to court about their estranged child and got custody, but i actually did thet by accident. Is there any way to reverse it to the child can go back to their other parent?


There's an option to cancel custody arrangements under the parent's menus

Amazing Mango (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-04 01:00:12 This looks so awesome! You add so much to my gameplay with your Mods Lumpinou! You seriously are one of the reasons its so fun to play! <3
2023-08-03 20:14:15 This looks so awesome! You add so much to my gameplay with your Mods Lumpinou! You seriously are one of the reasons its so fun to play! <3

This looks so awesome! You add so much to my gameplay with your Mods Lumpinou! You seriously are one of the reasons its so fun to play! <3