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Hi and thanks so much for your support!

I still have a TON of work left on the "WooHoo Life" mod, but I know you're anxious to know and see what it is, so as promised, here is a preview post!





This Mod IS less 'PG' than my usual, due to the theme, but still tries to stay as away as possible from explicit wordings etc. There is NOTHING visually graphic and the wording remains euphemistic as much as possible (the most explicit words in there are 'hook up' and 'insertive')


----- Individual Woohoo characteristics and preferences

Sims are able to discuss their Woohoo characteristics and preferences, and of course be impacted by them.

* Woohoo drive: each individual sim can have a different level of woohoo drive. Depending on that, they are more or less likely to accept or refuse to engage in Woohoo and to offer it autonomously or not. They also get different reactions.

Sims who are satisfied or not satisfied in long-term relationships in terms of Woohoo acceptance / request frequency react accordingly.

If you also have my open love life mod, there are some integrations. Sims with non-compatible drives are able to ask each other to open up the relationship to solve those differences.

* WooHoo location preferences:
Sims can have a preferred Woohoo location, and have a special moodlet when they are doing it in said location.
They can also react when both of them have the same location preference. The list of course depends on what packs you have installed!

* WooHoo personality: sims can have various styles, roles and likes and dislikes related to Woohoo, which can help them find who to hook up with.

Sims can choose their own WooHoo Style, and the Styles they want / don't want in an ideal partner.

* WookUp App:  basically a woohoo hook-up app. Very similar to Meet&Mingle in concept and execution, except it's about WooHoo Profiles and etc (using the styles mentioned above). Contrary to Meet&Mingle, this one requires that the Sim decide to create an account to appear and isn't in the phone by default.

----- WooHoo Anywhere

Cclick any object to have your Sims woohoo there. NOTE that you will not see your Sims, only special-effects

----- Couple's Extended WooHoo Choices

Each of the below extended Woohoo features will not cause jealousy, as it is all stuff that the Sims must agree to beforehand.

If you have my open love life mod installed, Sims who prefer exclusive relationships can have seconds thoughts and negative moodlets, similar to the ones they get about entering nonexclusive arrangements.

The below Special Woohoo features are accessible to singles, and to couples who either have either agreed to be open to doing these things, or are in a nonexclusive arrangement.

* Multiple Sim Woohoo: have up to four sims participate at once.
(Note that the animations are the usual game ones, showing only two Sims. The others join the location and then will not be visible for the duration.)
Every sim involved gets the typical moodlets, romance gains, etc; and they enter and leave the WooHoo Location at the same time.
WTDs get transmitted across the board, if applicable. Pregnancy risk gets applied once, if applicable.

*Work In Progress GIF, will look a bit different in final version*

* Swinging: Sims can ask their partners if they would like to swing with another couple. If accepted, the couple then must find another couple to swing with. Swinging does not require and does not grow romance. The couples can terminate this arrangement at any time.

* WooHoo Parties: adult-only households will be able to organize these events which I believe are self-explanatory from their name.

* For open relationships or multiple exclusive relationships and approved side partners, see my Open Love Life mod.

----- Woohoo Life decisions

* Celibacies: The "decide to be celibate" which was up until now in 'romances and friendships' is moving to this mod instead.
It is also augmented with an option to 'decide to remain celibate until marriage', which comes in some extra socials and reactions.

----- More later? Maybe!

I'm not ready yet for the suggestion post (too much work left on the above), but once I am, we'll see what gets suggested and what I add!





Hey Lumpinou, thanks for your wip and hard work within this mod add-on! I'm most curious about the Woohoo personality: the styles and roles and their potential gameplay / relationship impact? P.S. I love that you included diff fetishes in the list! 😉


Can't wait! <3


SOOOOOOO excited for this. Will woohoo drive be able to fluctuate autonomously?


I am so excited for this. It looks great so far.


Omg this looks amazing! I love how sexuality can be represented in a non-explicit way and the new gameplay we'll have regarding woohoo without having to "go too far" as with WW , as a player and also as a streamer, I'm delighted we'll have this woohoo mod ! Thank you !


I love it! 😁 Can't wait to download!


hi! I love your mods so much, first of all! my question is unrelated to this post, but I wanted to ask you something regarding the relationships and pregnancy mod. I used to have an additional debug button under the relationships and pregnancy button when I click on my sim for adding reward traits or removing traits, but for some reason, it disappeared. I don't know if I did something to remove it, or downloaded a conflicting file. the traits I added to my sim when I had access are still there, but I no longer have the option to debug add or remove traits. I wanted to ask if you had any advice for this? thank you so much! :)


Hi, this page should help https://lumpinoumods.com/2022/12/21/rpo-core-library-general-info/


So excited for this!


slaying per usual


This looks amazing! Do you have to set the woohoo drive yourself or will there be an option for it to automatically be set?


It's like the rest of my mods, stuff gets assigned by default, users can change it whenever


I'm so so so excited for this!


this looks AMAZING


This looks so good! Would you consider including woohoo work?