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Basically all of my mods have broken to an extent or another EXCEPT mood Pack.

RPO Collection mods are the worst off.

Updates won't come till after the pack is out and of course however long it takes me to fix things.

I am hoping to have everything done this week, we'll see - NO PROMISES AS I CAN'T PREDICT DIFFICULTIES - but things seem hopeful.

Much love. You change my life every day, and although ofc patch day sucks, I want to focus on the positive <3

P.S.: new mod about Science Babies for you


Flick Riley

Take all the time you need! Amusingly I'm trying to play without your RPO mod and it turns out I have completely forgotten how vanilla relationships and pregnancy work! Honestly, EA should pay you for the absolutely wonders you work with such a basic system! You are incredible!


Please take your time and dont stress yourself, as much as I love your mods and cant play my game without them I am willing to wait patiently :) Thank you for all your hard work.


Don't stress thankyou for all your work, you are amazing! Just downloaded your science baby mod, will be opting to do a normal pregnancy lol


Take all the time you need!! We'll be here waiting patiently (and excitedly :) )


take your time! we appreciate all that you're doing for us! we love you modders


You are spoiling us with how fast you are with updating your mods please take your time and don’t stress too much your mods are worth the wait 🥹💓


take your time! &lt;3


Thanks for all you do.


gods work &lt;3


so excited for your updates! Having to go back to vanilla sims 4 makes me realise how much your mods have revolutionised the sims &lt;3

LaToya Johnson

thank you for the update I had to delete all mods and start over again, thank you for helping us all out your mods are really good


I came looking for the update haha. My your mods are amazing. I have held on playing, cannot play without them as it turns out hihi :). But please do take all the time youneed. thanks for your hard work.