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Mod 3 of the Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul collection.

Last updated: Dec 20, Official Release

See Full & Detailed Description here


- remove everything from versions anterior to v2.9 official release, including setting files.

- grab the RPO Core Library if you don't have it;

- grab the file from this post and put it directly into your mods folder or one subfolder (it's a .package file, so, not extracting!)


Jo Cara

Hello! Of all modules, this one works so incredibly well with WW. Sadly, 2.9 isn't working with WW sex anymore, so I reverted to 2.8. Any plans on working on compatibility? Or any suggestions on how to make it work? I'm so surprised 2.8 is still working after this massive update! I do miss the extra modules in 2.9, but I like my M3 more, so I will stay with 2.8 for now. Thank you so much for your work!


I love all of your mods so much, including RPO! The only issue I have is with this particular module. I mean, it works perfectly fine. I just wish that my exclusive, married couple who have never been with anyone else would stop getting random STIs. I'd understand if my Sims were hoes, but they've never been with anyone else. I could have them constantly use protection, but as I want them to always have the chance of having kids, it just makes it a bit frustrating when after a Woohoo session, he suddenly has syphilis, and she suddenly has both gonorrhea and chlamydia out of nowhere. I've removed this particular module because of this, which sucks, because I normally don't mind Sims getting STIs if they're sleeping around, and I love the idea of UTIs and yeast infections, as that brings more realism for me. If there was a way to change the settings to make the STIs less frequent, or certain flags for exclusive/committed Sims to not get them, that would be amazing.


Hi, my mod doesn't have syphilis, and does not give diseases out of nowhere to played Sims. Npc's in the world have a chance to get a disease when they first are loaded in game, to start some infections in world, but that's it. Sounds to me like you have another mod that has diseases but does it in a way that is much less contextual than mine. In my mod, the only way to get a transmissible disease is by sleeping with someone who has that same one in a contagious stage.


Ah, okay. I'll have to check through all my other mods then. Thank you so much for responding! And thank you for all the hard work you put into your mods, you are one of my favorite creators!


This is the only module not working in my sims game. Is there a compatibility issue with wicked whims? Everything else works out great though! Thanks for making my gameplay exciting


Hi, if your sims use Woohoo it will transmit. There are compatibility issues with transmission via WW stuff not working.


the mod isnt poping up poping up for me its in my game yet when i tired to gve my sim a Diseas the panel didnt pop up