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Hello everyone,

Time is flying and we are already nearing the end of yet another month!

I hope that you found something to your interests in the recent 'sims summit' thingie. I have not seen it but I've seen bulletpoint recaps :)

On to business!

In my last post, I mentioned a new 'small' (smaller than the rest, that is) project which I would try to work on while I hope that my hands will calm down and heal up. Now, I would like to talk about that project.

This is what I will work on until things are better with my hands. Why? Because if I touch any of my big projects, even to just do something small - what will happen is I will not stop myself and I will do too much. I know myself, and working too much is what got me here in this difficult situation to begin with.
I understand if you are disappointed. I am not happy either about this temporary ‘change of plans’, neither am I happy about the difficulties I face in everyday life right now due to my hands. I am trying to make the best of what I’ve got and trying to still give you content, but content that I can more reasonably handle as of now. 😊

I don't know yet exactly what the mod will be called, but for now I will call it the "Sim Memory Profile" mod.

It is a mod that revolves around key life events, how the player can visualize them, visualize what other sims were involved in them, and how these 'memories' can impact the Sim. It is, indeed, basically my small take on a memory system.

1. (DONE) You will be able to open your sim’s memory profile to quickly visualize what marking events have happened in their life (an optional ‘auto assign’ is planned for sims fresh out of CAS but it probably won’t be made for initial release).

(I'll probably change the verb tenses and more but here's a view; there are more possible memorable events ofc)

2. Through the panel, by clicking on an item you will be able to quickly visualize what Sims your Sim has had specific relations or rapport with (for example, see who they have woohoo’d with, who they work with, etc). Included are also some extra markers (for example, for the Sim another Sim has their very first ever woohoo with). (UNDERWAY, trying to finish by the end of month but who knows.) 

3. (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) Based on those events, the Sim might react differently to things happening later in life. For example, if your Sim has gotten fired once, and then it happens again later, they will get an additional reaction. Same if they are on their second divorce, etc. (this will just take a bit more time because Moooooodlets take me time, but it's easy to do, so, it's just a matter of patience)


So, what do you all think? Any interest or meh not worth it?

As said above, I can't handle the big projects right now but still want to bring you feature releases; does this work for you? I'm not even going to try to hide the insecurity here haha.

I have something like 15 'memory worthy' things made for now, but happy to make more if you have suggestions. Some are from the game (divorce, escaping death, etc), some from my mods (pregnancy problems, coming out, etc).

My goal & hope for end of month is to have all finished except the 'impact later happenings' part because at my current pace I know I won't have time to get to that this month. Goals are just that and I can't promise that it'll happen. If not, I'll release just the 'record memories andview panel' part s to start with.


P.S.: two easily fixable issues with RPO have been brought to my attention, so I will re-upload that mod soon for that reason.


Love ya all,
- Lumpinou



1000 times yes, I absolutely love this mod idea!


it's giving The Sims 2 memories!! Love it- Ugh i wish there was better zodiac mods out there




Im here for it


DEFINITELY worth it. I'm excited to also see your Law & Order project as well!


Love this so much! Really missed this feature. P.s you could shit out any mod and I would be grateful. You do an amazing job but make sure you come first!


I love it and take all the time you need. Will be happy to wait for anything.


Your mods make the game a lot more enjoyable! I love your mods period. The most important thing is a person's health! Take your time and I know I'll be waiting patiently for your next updates on your mods!


I love this idea! Take all the time you need, health has to be your priority!

Adekanbi Gaynor

Yes, your mods are always worth it. It gives my sims reality of living situations we may encounter in our own life