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Hello everyone!

- I apologize for not having sent out my usual "End of the month" warning, I didn't have access to my patreon on most of my trip.

- I've returned two days ago, and am working on the LGBTQIA+ mod with good progress. I've refined the settings menu systems, put in place a lot of the gameplay impact stuff), and other things.

- For the sake of making things simpler, I've decided to just make this mod a standalone. So, it won't be part of Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul after all, it's its own thing. Once again I started with a tiny idea but it grew a little too big to fit as an addOn.

- I've thrown together a bit more of a description of the mod and explanation of the settings on my website here 

- Soon I'll start asking for early testers. I feel near done with the 'making' of stuff. There's still stuff with aromantics that need severe work but other than that, if testing goes well, all is well.
The gameplay impact aspect is what needs extreme testing (so many possible combinations of orientations and identities! Things have to make sense for all of them! From the perspective of both sims involved! It's not very simple at all haha).
If you would like to be part of testing, it happens on Discord, I make a testing call to people who have taken the tester role once I am ready.
If testing goes badly, it'll mean lots more work and big delays. So far in game I'm not observing anything tragically concerning however, so I want to be optimistic!

I'll be happy to answer questions if any, as always.

Thanks so much for your support,



Wow sounds great and i would feel blessed to test it out for you;).


I would love to test what’s the discord


I hope you had a good trip! This looks sooo great so far The thing I’m most excited about (though I’m obviously very excited for this as a whole) is actually the queerplatonic relationship aspect! I’ve been wanting something like that and haven’t been able to find anything so I’m super thrilled it’s included here I have a question, though: will this only be available for aromantic/aro spec sims (and their potential partners) or will ace sims/sims with different romantic/sexual preferences also be able to ask someone to be in a qpr?


Hi there and I'm happy you're enthused! It's not a huge system for now but it shall grow with more of its own interactions etc albeit not at first release as I do want a first version of this out this month. As for your question, I am split about it myself. My first instinct was to make it available to every sim. Then I started doubting. At this moment I still haven't decided what to do with that haha. But I'm leaning towards leaving it for everyone

Wendy Hubble

I hope you had a nice trip! Thank you for making this a standalone. I think that was a good choice. The other mod is already pretty big!


Yeah, I basically didn't want to have a giant setting menu haha. Split in two mods, it'll be easier to navigate settings and other things.


As a member of the LGTBQ+ community this literally warms my heart to the limit! Thankyou so much for all your hard work and effort. I appreciate u and your mods so much!


Hi, Idk if you answered this or not, but will this be compatible w the WW attractiveness?


I'm aroace and when I first read queerplatonic relationships would be included in this mod I cried. This kind of visibility and representation is something I didn't even dare to dream of. It means so much to me that you took the time and effort to create something so thoughtfully in-depth while collaborating closely with members of the community. So I'd just like to start by thanking you for your hard work and care. In terms of feedback, I was curious about your interest in including the option to be aromantic and romance-positive/favourable, romance-indifferent or romance-repulsed? In a similar way to asexual people, aro folks aren't all romance negative and options for that would be amazing to have. I was even thinking that being romance positive could influence things like one's reactions to romance holiday traditions and romantic movies in addition to ones response to romantic interactions.


Thanks for your message, makes all the work worth it! For your question - adding personal attitude towards romance is something I plan in doing, being that I'm not super familiar with it myself, it's a bit more work on planning the how's and the what's so it's not there yet... There is one added problem here, and it is that ressource-wise, this will be more costly than the same system applied to Woohoo, as Woohoo is much rarer than every single other romantic orientation haha. But in any case. If I do it the same as with ace, it would mean that favorable would be ok to engage in romance most times, indifferent some times, averse never. That is more or less the plan at this point. As for cultural attitudes towards romance (which embodies what you said about reactions to romantic movies and romantic stuff not applied to self) - I didn't add them at the moment about Woohoo for asexuals and not for aromantic either, because of two concerns, one being that people's minds are already kind of blown by the existence of variation in personal attitudes and I got lots of confused messages including from asexuals, so, I have to put the cultural attitudes somewhere separate in their own menu, AND add to that, I would like them to be available to every sim because to be fair even allo people have such attitude variation on these topics (I do mean ONLY the 'cultural attitude' aspect for everyone, ie, reactions to seeing romance / sex in films, etc, NOT the personal attitude, ie, reaction towards having romance / sex happen or engage in it), but would it be wrong to do that?) and the second concern being that applying those attitudes be it the aro or ace ones in terms of gameplay would take time and work and I did want a first version of this mod to just come out already 😂😂 but. I have put things in place so that when I decide to add the cultural aspects, I'll be able to without issue with what is already in the mod. At the moment I am working on Transition features (quick 'cheats' and gameplay), I've pretty much finished the quick interactions just now. Either I'll do the gameplay part of all that, or do the aro personal attitudes, or something else. So much to do, I kind of go where I feel like that day haha. There's more I'd like to do with qpr too, I put in place the relationship track etc etc but it doesn't have yet much impact or custom interactions etc. Lotsa things, and it's just me and whatever time and energy one person can muster haha. So, it takes patience, but yeah there's plans :D


Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and ideas around where to take the mod. I’m once again amazed by the amount of thought you’ve thought you’ve put into this. For what it’s worth, I do agree that Allo folks also have differing responses to romance and sex and it would be amazing to have that kind of variety and depth to personality for our sims. I think separating the cultural attitudes stuff from the approach towards personal experience of romance stuff in the way you described is a great way to approach this. You have such great ideas and incredible execution and I appreciate you sharing your work with us. I’m excited for everything you’re working on and look forward to whatever you put out next. Thank you and take care 😊


Thanks for sharing your feedback and your nice words. You might be happy to hear that this conversation inspired me to just get started on the romantic attitudes already 😂 I thought I needed a break from the transitioning functions as I've been working on that aspect all day and I get less sharp as I go! System-wise it's easy because I've already done it for ace, so I can just more or less copy my own stuff 😂 I just need to transform the acceptance / refusal system of aros to match it and change my manual assign windows to also make room for it, and change auto assign ofc, but that should be done tomorrow, including testing, so this will be added and out soon


Ahhh!!! That’s amazing news!!! Thank you!!! I’m so glad to have been of help 😊😊😊 lm so excited 🎉🎉🎉


I had a difficult time coming to a compromise on implementing, in terms of accommodating it into gameplay without everything getting mixed up between existing stuff; so, for now, I've decided that, maybe, out of qpr, aromantics will kind of systematically refuse, but within qpr, their individual attitudes determine acceptance / refusal. Why? Because otherwise it would be the same as grey romantic in terms of Gameplay? Now, for ace and grey ace, we have a bit the same issue, except I look at relationship development there as a deciding factor..... This is tricky haha. Whatever I start with can always be changed later, but as of today I don't have any great idea


Yes gameplay wise it makes sense that outside of a QPR, aromantics refuse romance, while individual attitudes determine acceptance or refusal within a QPR. I actually wrote up a rough idea of how attitudes towards personal romance could impact gameplay for folks on the Aromantic spectrum. It may be too detailed but was just a general sketch that keeps each arrangement from being the exact same gameplay wise. I’ll include it in the comment below in case it’s at all helpful. If anything isn’t clear please feel free to ask and I’m more than happy to clarify and if it’s more confusing than helpful please ignore it. Your comment got me thinking about probabilities and so I sketched this out and just thought I would share.


Aro and romance repulsed- never initiate (Autonomously) or accept Aro and romance neutral- never initiate (autonomously) but sometimes accept if in a qpr Aro and romance favourable- sometimes initiate if in a qpr, often accept in a qpr Grey ro and romance repulsed- rarely initiate only when in a QPR , and sometimes accept in a qpr Grey ro and romance neutral- sometimes initiate if in a qpr and rarely accept outside of a qpr Grey ro and romance favourable- rarely initiate outside of a qpr and often accept in a qpr Demiro and romance repulsed- will rarely initiate within a qpr but will mostly accept romance only when in a qpr with friendship points of 65+ Demiro and romance neutral - sometimes initiate and mostly accept in a relationship with friendship points of 65+ as long as its a qpr, will rarely accept romance outside of a QPR as long as it is 65+ friendship points. Demiro and romance favourable- sometimes initiate and mostly accept in a friendship with 65+ points, whether its a qpr or not.


I appreciate your sharing gyour ideas! Some of my stuff doesn't follow your wish here, because my views on impacting autonomy go different, once again to better separate all the bits and pieces that do stuff in this mod. I am keeping all aro out of initiating romance out of qpr. Within qpr, I am not sure but I may allow it only for favorable. It remains to be seen how things seem to play out in game, and then can move from there..... I am not adding the attitudes to grey or demi, be it romance or sex. I pondered a lot initially and decided not to. Despite the fact that in reality they would be. Why? Because for a mod to be usable by people easily, and for the impact of each element and orientation type to be clear, things need to be a little more clear cut. Keeping in mind that all sorts of people will use this mod. It would be sad if nobody used the aro or ace features because they appear to be too entangled and confusing. Especially keeping in mind all the people who are discovering those concepts through this mod. Of course it is never going to be exactly like reality if we want to keep things clear haha. So, same as ace, the attitudes are in the mod available for only 'hardcore' ace and not for grey or demi. Demi's autonomy and acceptance of romance relies on friendship levels. Grey romantic and grey ace are awaiting further developments but are at the moment a bit of random and a bit of pre established factors taken into account, in terms of acceptance and refusal. We are always seeking a balance of simplification and realism / accuracy, which is challenging! What do you think of that? For now I will start with one model and we'll see where it goes from there. Thanks again for your time and feedback!


I fell asleep shortly after I posted! 🤣 thank you for explaining your approach of mixing simplicity with accuracy in order to increase access for users. It makes a lot of sense and to be honest when I wrote out my suggestions I did wonder about the feasibility of conveying the differences between each variant in an easy to understand way. In light of what you’ve stated keeping the attitudes to aro folks only makes seems to be a great way to go. I also like the idea of initiating romance for aros who are romance favorable and then maybe only accepting romance for those who are neutral. I really love what you did with Demis as well and basing them on friendship levels. Thank you for letting me be a part of the process and for sharing your plans and ideas . I look forward to what comes next 😊😊😊


I'm glad it makes sense to you! I finished that more or less yesterday but today was busy making the gender transition stuff and didn't test it yet, but yeah it'll be in the next update, which will be soon! I've changed menus around and added some stuff, I'll be happy to share! Thanks again for your time and sharing your thoughts!