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Hello everyone and thank you for being here!

First, out monthly reminder: Patreon charges for December on December 1st, no matter when you subscribed! Keep that in mind & take action if you don't want to be charged on December 1st. :)


On the menu today: 

1 - Info regarding an update to WooHoo Wellness,
2 - Info regarding my new mod description
3 - info about custom sentiments and my
upcoming mod "First Impressions".
4 - Info about what's next for WooHoo Wellness


1. Update to WooHoo Wellness & Pregnancy Overhaul

I promised a small update for the end of November, and I uploaded it today. You can see all relevant screenshots and info by looking at the "Mood swings, cravings and more" section of this post on the website. 

2. "The website"? There's a website?

Yes! I've been working on a website to host mod descriptions. Files and download instructions are to remain in Patreon posts, but for a better experience finding the information you need, the website offers improved formatting and organization of mod descriptions. This is achieved with colors and most of all, collapsible sections!

Some examples below.

3. That Twitter Post about Sentiments.... And where it's going

(Here is the post in question if you haven't seen it)

So, as the tweet said - I'm doing that "First Impression" thing. It's close to done but won't be ready in November - very early December though, yes. The system is pretty much in place, I just want to tweak a little bit, and give more effects to the two Special First Impression Sentiments, "Crush" and "Anti Crush". 

Full list of possible First Impressions sentiments for v1 of this little mod:
Cool, Overly Energetic, Admirable, Pretentious, Capable & Independent, Weird, Tasteful, Imaginative, Annoying, In Dreamland, Immature, Funny, Responsible, Clingy, Reasonable, Dramatic, Interesting, Anti-Crush, Crush, Untrustworthy, Fun to be Around, Distant, Proper & Polite, Stuck-Up, Of Good Character.

Some examples of combos.

As you can see, some of them are off to a better start than others.... 

How it works: 

- Sims meet each other. Nice to meet you (or not)!
- The system looks at the newly encountered Sim's CAS / Personality traits.
- It picks one trait to look at more closely.
- Once that is done, it looks at your Sim's traits - possibly focusing on one in particular that would drastically change the outcome with the other Sim's trait under study (good or evil for example, or 'loner' in the case of another Sim who is 'outgoing', etc - it all depends on trait pairs) - and decides accordingly what possible First Impressions are available.
- Among those, it chooses one.

Sims may feel nicer towards some than others even for the same trait because there is a bit of chance left to this, BUT this is not true for traits that truly clash, or traits that truly match. In a case of a true clash or a true match, the outcome is more predictable (for example, a Sim who is self-assured will look at other self-assured Sims positively IF on first encounter, that is the trait that stands out to them (ie if the system decides to look at this specific trait, to emulate a First Impression, ie an impression based on only ONE fact of personality, and not a full picture).

I'm going to offer the mod in different versions. One in which first impressions stay until another sentiment takes their place but not over time, another in which they go away over time and if another sentiment takes their place. For each of these choices, another choice will exist: whether the first impressions should be a major sentiment or a minor one. Just so that everyone picks whatever they prefer!

EDIT: Dec. 3: So far this is what the mod is:
- 32 possible first Impression sentiments based on each Sim's trait + some chance if applicable;
- Among those, 4 are special: Interesting Sim, Crush, Anti-Crush, Untrustworthy.
- The 4 special first impressions have stronger impact; they give moodlets when nearby the Sim in question, occasionally moodlets when interacting with them (3 possible moodlets for interacting with crush, one for all others);
- The other first impressions will also give from time to time more generic moodlets when interacting, based on the category of first impression (3 categories for positive ones, 3 categories for negative ones) but NO moodlet will be given just by being near (that would create too many moodlets happening for little reason).
- All First Impressions increase or reduce the chances of your Sim autonomously interacting with the Sims towards whom they have the impressions. (as of now I'm keeping that effect rather weak, but may increase its strength later).
- All first impressions increase or reduce the speed at which relationships are gained. NOTE: because all relationships are bilateral, in case of contradictory impressions between Sims, that effect will be rendered null.

4. Back to WooHoo Wellness & Pregnancy Overhaul, or, WHW for short.

So much more to add to this mod still! But don't worry, I'm on it. 

I'm thinking before I complete the Romantic Trust system, which will require a LOT of testing etc, I'll do smaller things beside it, to have stuff to release in the meantime all the while furthering it. 

So, you can expect the insemination features, post-birth consequences of pregnancy and pregnancy wishes, and all that to appear sporadically in December. I hope the trust system will also come in December but am less sure of that one.


That's it for this time! 

You can always contact me here in comments, on Discord, or through the contact form on my website for any questions :)




You are awesome. Thanks for keeping us updated and thanks for the mods. I don’t know how I played without your mods before but now they are a must. 💖💖


So excited for the new mod :) thank you for your hard work <3

Jeanna Hicks

Thanks so much for all you do! I'm constantly amazed at your creativity. I wanted to ask one thing though, did the adoption system get updated yet? I could have overlooked it since I haven't done much with the paternity parts of the mod yet but I was curious.


Nope, not yet. I have it partially started, but other things have taken priority haha. Kind of have to go with where the inspiration is most at any given time, and one thing at a time it all gets done. :)


This is all so exciting thank you much I’m very excited to see where all your mods go!!

Evangelina Silvercloud

This looks sooo great! Many, many thanks for all your work.I wish you a peaceful and healthy time. Lovely regards from Austria


You're really amazing! I'm looking forward to EVERYTHING lol


Honestly you are too good to us!


You are fantastic and add so much to the game!


I'm SO excited to experience all of these awesome things. Keep up the great work, and THANK YOU for spoiling us with amazing content.


I'm so excited to discover all those new features ! And yeah creating your own website takes time but will be definitively helpful for people who wanna know more about your mods ;)


Hi Im new here! but im having trouble with the mods. I think im doing something wrong because after adding to mods folder and entering the game with mods on the game will play for a few minutes then freeze and crash. The only other mod I have is MC command. any tips on what I might be doing wrong?


What mods are you trying to put in? Is the save you're using your own or a downloaded save? In correct conditions, my mods cause no such issue. That is odd. But I'm sure we'll figure it out


I was trying to use the woohoo wellness, open relationship, moods, no strings attached and roads to romance. Im pretty sure im using a downloaded save!


If it is a downloaded save, try on a 'normal' save, that may be the issue. All those mods should totally be fine. Please keep me posted...


Im sorry im kinda new at mods what exactly is the difference?


Sometimes downloaded saves cause bugs especially for mods. Don't ask me why, I don't know. It's just something users have noticed time and again. So trying a new save generally tells if yes or no it's a save thing.


It's incredible you were already able to crack the Sentiments code! Can't wait to play with this and possibly more in the future, they add so much opportunity for storytelling 🤩


I love love love all of your work! I happen to work with pregnant people irl for a living, so I especially love the Woohoo Wellness + Pregnancy Overhaul work you've done. I'm curious if you have plans to go more into the experience of giving birth for Sims — if so, if I can be helpful in any way I'd love to be!


when is this ready to release


I don't know, whenever it's fully finished and tested. If I knew when, y'all would know about it. There is kind of no point asking this other than stressing me when I already am working on this as much time as I can. It's almost done. I added more impressions than planned and a bunch of cheats.


I love your mods I know its a lot of hard work I use to make mods myself I know it takes a lot of time I appreciate all your time and work you spend keep smiling your amazing. :)