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This mod absolutely cannot conflict with any other mod! :)

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Click HERE to Download (SimFileShare)
Or go the bottom of this post for Patreon Link.

******* Want to know more / are a creator? Read below! *******



April 8 (v0.94): Added the 'In Pain' mood in priority, per a creator's request :)

March 8th, v0.93: Added the 'Nostalgic' mood, in priority per a creator's request :)
February 13:
-  Temporarily removed the "Disgusted" mood as it misbehaves. It is being re-made.
- Added a section in the Creators' documentation.
January 21st: 
Updated for today's game patch. Re-download.
January 3rd, 2021
- Added 4 moods. Some are used in the "Custom Moods for Some Game Moodlets" mod, so if you grab it, grab this updated version of the mood pack too.
- Improved the system for creators to test the moods.

At some point before: 

- Made it so that the mod does not require a script file anymore. It's just a package now.


- Still adding moods.
- Still planning to add mood-specific interactions.

In the process of ADDING: Withdrawn, Appeased or Reassured, Ashamed, Guilty, Comfortable, Protective, Resentful or Bitter, Awkward , Compassionate, Dissatisfied, Charmed, Craving, a third level for ' tipsy / drunk', a second level to 'shocked', Frustrated.
Moods that are done & Included: Admirative, Affectionate, Concerned, Confused, Disappointed, Disgusted (EDIT: temporarily removed for updating), Distracted, Drunk / Tipsy, Endeared, Excited, Forgiving, Hurt, Indecisive, In Pain, Insecure, Mean / Uncaring, Misunderstood, Nostalgic, Optimistic, Pessimistic, Productive, Proud, Relieved, Satisfied, Scared, Shocked, Sorry, Suspicious, Tired, Weirded Out.

This mod doesn't 'do' things on its own, it is intended to go with other mods. It's a storytelling tool, and a way to add a bit of variety to what one sees in the game.

It adds 27 moods (more as I go...) to the game, to be available:

- for me to use in all my mods;
- for other modders if they want to use them; they'd just need to have users of whatever mod uses my custom moods also download my Mood Pack Mod.
- for an optional feature to replace some of the existing game moodlets with labels from these custom moods, for more variety and sharper storytelling.

Mods that require the Mood Mod Pack (as of Jan. 3, 2021):

- Road to Romance (by myself) - uses the 'Affectionate' mood
- Caradriel's Better Babies and Toddlers
- First Impressions (by myself)
Custom Moods for Some Game Moodlets (by myself)
- SimTuber Career (semi active) by Adeepindigo
School Milestones by Adeepindigo

--------------------------NOTE TO MODDERS:-------------------------

 Are you a mod creator? Want to use my custom moods in your buffs? Just be aware that users of your mod will need to have the Mood Pack Mod installed for it to work. 
List of tuning IDs, testing material and info: Download the 'Creator's Testing and Documentation set' for help documentation with the full list of mood names, tuning IDs and emotion category, as well as the ability to test them in game using custom interactions designed for that purpose.


"Does this or the mood pack conflict with -Insert Mod Name-?"

My custom moods are independent, custom stuff, and literally can't be bothered by anything or bother anything. They don't do anything in game until a moodlet from a mod calls to them, then they give it the mood required and go back to sleep. They will have NO impact on your game and other mods, other than providing custom moods when a mod asks. Picture it as a mod giving the Mood pack a phone call, and the mood pack sleeping the rest of the time, waking up only to answer those phone calls.

"Hmm, so, it doesn't conflict with Slice of Life?"

NO! NONE of my mods conflict with Slice of Life in any manner whatsoever. Stop worrying for nothing folks :)


- Download the zip file 'MoodPackMod' and extract it.
- Put the extracted Package file in your Mods folder directly.
That's the main part of the mod, and it CANNOT conflict with anything.

- Also download the 'Creator Resource' archive (for Creators Only!!!)



Go to these pages if you need a specific language file in addition to downloading the mod files here.

RUSSIAN by Origamika
GERMAN by HendrikMcSims
FRENCH by Kimikosoma 

NEED HELP? Contact me on Discord or here in comments, or through the contact form on my website.




is this mod working for the infant update and growing together? i assume it probably is seeing how you've updated rpo and not this mod but just checking

CaptainSwan OutlawQueen

Hi! Is the mood pack working with the new update and pack? I just want to make sure it's safe before I open up my favorite nsb save.

Lucia The Sylveon

Thanks for making this, I really want to make Mods so badly!

Deja L McWaine

I literally love everything you create ❤️


I saw the suspicious mood and could only hear Cardi saying, “that’s suspicious... that’s weird”


She does that with an override. So no, but I am fine with making all the moods make ghosts white because I don't care for the ghost color thing


Does this conflict with mods like Zerbu "Renamed Emotions" ?


Nope, this will not conflict with anything on earth. :) Any mod that renames emotions is simply an override of the game files. These are fully new files. Note that it's not fully ready yet :) And I haven't yet updated my mods to include the new moods. :)


hi! love your mods so much! does this conflict with Meaningful Stories mod?


No, it won't conflict with anything. It will eventually be required for a bunch of my mods so it won't have any conflicts ever because that would cause issues otherwise!


Wow, this is amazing. I've always thought that the types of moods in base-game were so lacking, and been thinking that it would be nice to have more types of moods. I'll definitely use this when I make my mods💜 I hope that many modders would use this in their mods, it'll make the game much more lively! Thank you!


i hope your husband is okay!


Praying for your husband love


hey am i menat to add both zip folders in my mod folder


I installed this and I have had 0 moods come up. They are installed right in my mods folder. Any suggestions on what to do?


Quoting the mod description : 'This is an odd one, as it doesn't 'do' things on its own, it is intended to go with other mods. [....] . It adds 26 moods (may add more as I go...) to the game, to be available: - for me to use in all my mods (I will revisit previous releases to integrate this); - (coming soon) for an optional feature to replace some of the existing game moodlets with labels from these custom moods, for more variety and sharper storytelling. - for other modders if they want to use them; they'd just need to have users of whatever mod uses my custom moods also download my Mood Pack Mod.' That should clarify it :)


I have the same issue


I was respond to the person above about not having the mods


And did you read my answer? It's fully normal. The mod does nothing by itself. It must be called by other mods to do anything. It will have a feature that replaces some game moodlets moods with custom ones but that's not there yet. See the description :) For now only my mod road to Romance calls to this. I will soon update my other mods to do the same. And some other creators are using this for upcoming mods.


Im not sure what you mean? Did I download it wrong or something?


Not at all. At this stage, this mod does nothing by itself. Other mods need to use it for it to do something. So far 'my my mod Road to Romance does that, and only for one mood. The rest is upcoming.


i didn't have any problems with the other mods but for some reason this one says the files can't be opened


I was so excited when I stumbled upon Better Babies and Toddlers and I realized that it uses this mod! It's so fun to finally see your moods in action!


Is there suppose to be a script file with this mod?


No, no script. There was one at the very beginning but I didn't really really need it so I organized to do without. It's just a package file:)


does this conflict with the meningful


meaningful stories mod? because my sims have been dying from being to playful a lot more with this mod installed


Meaningful Stories has no adverse interactions with my mod. The Mood Pack Mod cannot interact with any other mod. It's all new stuff. The optional module for game moodlet replacement is a bit different, but it has no chance of being doing anything bad either. Emotional deaths won't have anything to do with the Mood Pack either, since it does nothing on its own. It just adds moods that mods can use. No mod so far uses moods from the Mood Pack that would relate to the playful emotion. So, the Mood Pack having anything to do with it is as impossible as me accidentally taking a step forward and ending up on Mars. This mod does not make your sims playful, in fact, by itself it does not make your Sims anything. Another mod which decides to use the custom moods from this resource could make your Sims a certain mood. But so far there's 3 mods that use my custom moods, two of which are mine... There's one amused moodlet I believed in First Impressions but it's a +1 and can't do anything crazy like kill a Sim. So, you can be at peace that the mood pack is not causing your game these troubles :)


I installed this but still only see he base game moods :(


Hi, Something has been happening and I have tracked it down to this mod, by painstakingly checking every single one, not even gonna say how long that took lol, but This mod is causing a UI issue with moodlets. When i try to expand moodlets, they do not expand and they appear to all pile on top of the last one and it goes blank light blue with a yellow kind of shiny border around it. Its really odd, since I hadnt actually changed anything, but it only happens when I have the mood pack installed. The game hasn't updated or anything, and everything I have is up to date. So i have no idea what the glitch is, but if you can think of what it could be that would be cool lol.


Mood pack by itself does nothing. It literally does nothing at all until another mod calls to it. So here another mod is calling to it and not finding what it wants. Which indicates something not up to date or not there at all. What mod do you have that calls to it? What do you have installed? You need mood pack in its latest version + whatever other mod you have that uses it. What you are describing indicates having either of these elements not up to date. Please let me know what mods you have that use the mood pack then I can tell you what to do.

Mythical Ascelin

completely forgot you had this! Definitely going to add it to some of my mods


So i have this and your other Mods. With the Patch update giving us the Scared mood, in what situations is your scared mood applied instead?


No situation whatsoever. Whatever was using it, I changed to not use it any more.


I cant download this for some reason. I dont have an app for it. What one should I use?


It's a package file, you're supposed to just download it and put it directly in your mods folder, no need to extract anything. Don't tell your internet browser to try to open it. You just want to grab it, not open it :)


It says: This file does not have an app associated with it performing this action. Please install an app or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Apps Settings page.


So your browser is trying to open the file. It is probably set to do so and automatically open downloads. In this case, it must not do that, but simply download. I don't know what browser you're on so I don't know where the settings are.


Hi um so does the cheating mod come in all of this ... like if i download all of these all the cheating stuff comes with it too right ?


how do i download this mod? i dont see a download button at all


I also don't see a download button.... am I missing something


Hello, I click the link to download the mod but its not working.


Works fine for me. Do you have your browser set up to try to open files upon download? That could be an issue. Browser needs to download the file not to try to open it. Otherwise, I have no idea


Hi,Lumpinou!Hope you are doing well. I try to leave a message on your personal website but I still do not get your reply. I am so in love with the mods you made. Could you please allow me to translate your “the mood pack”mod into Chinese? And share your mod on a Chinese Sims website. I promise I will send you the translation to you every single time and highlight your name and your original mod download address on my post in font bold. Don’t worry I won’t share your mod to people directly. Looking forward for your reply.


Hi, sometimes it takes me a bit to answer because I'm busy with things. I had a draft for you but I first had to check with ttchub (current Chinese translator) for an existing translation. Still haven't done that but worst case there'll be two translations around. You can translate if you want and share the translation by itself. No reposting the mod. And then you can give me a link to where people can grab the translation and I will put it on the mod page. :)


Thank you so much,Lumpinou ! I will try to translate it all by myself first. And I will ask you for a draft when I have problems in process of translation. Have a good day!:)

Christine Nicoll

Will this mod conflict with Wicked Whims?


Hi I downloaded this but I didn't see the script part only package, therefore, the moods are not active in my game. Could you please help?


Hi, there is no script needed for this mod. The moods exist to be used by other mods, by themselves they don't do anything - and you will see them only if you have other mods that use them. The list of current mods using these custom moods is listed in the post. Hope this helps.


Every time I try to download this zip folder the folder goes away. Please help. Nothing is working.


Sounds like an issue with how your browser is set to download things. Make sure it's set to save and not just open files...


Hello! I'm having some trouble seeing these mods in the game play. It shows I have them in the game script but I'm not seeing any of these coming up during game play. I downloaded and pasted in my mods folder what I have downloaded: Lumpinou_MoodPackMod_v1.1_May23.package ContextualSocialInteractions_Lumpinou_Nov. 2020 Lumpinou_FirstImpressions_v1_NoTimeDecay_May27 Lumpinou - RoadtoRomance 1.1 - B - NoRestrictions Lumpinou - RoadtoRomance 1.1 - A - Original Lumpinou_TalentsAndWeaknesses_v0


You have two versions of road to Romance, keep only one :) Check that files are no deeper than one subfolder in the mods folder and that scripts are enabled. You can check if the mods are properly installed by checking in the 'actions' menu if you see there some hidden cheat menus for my mods


Chinese translation of the mood pack Modhttps://drive.google.com/file/d/12Ys2eYvUGY9nfXpFVv3ryXyGHHoyhFTp/view?usp=sharing


Hello,I come from Taiwan and I really like the modules you made. Some of your modules have been translated in my patreon due to play needs,also shared with the SIMS gaming community in Taiwan.If you don’t mind, I can provide you with a translation link.My main translation is traditional Chinese. If necessary, I can also translate simplified Chinese to you. :) Thank you for your carefully crafted modules to enrich the game.


Hi! Since the update, the moods are not showing up in my game. All of the related mods have been updated. Any ideas on how to fix would be great!


Hi, I'm having some troubles. I have downloaded all of the different mods you have, but none work?


Is this mod compatible with the latest patch? 🤔


How well does it work with this mod: https://lumpinoumods.com/woohoo-wellness-and-pregnancy-overhaul/


For some reason, my game is saying that I don't have the needed file for the mood pack even though I have the Nov 10th version inside of my mod folder with all my other cc. Its an orange notification. I'm not sure what to do, I've tried deleting and redownloading as well as updating my other mods that use this one


Hi, sorry I'm back. Tried downloading the mod again but it still won't work. My game is fully updated, and I have this mod installed alongside itsKatato's and adeepindigo's preteen mod and first crush mod. I just can't find any of the content in my game and have extracted all of the necessary files. Thanks.


Hi, When mods that use the mood pack will give a moodlet to a sim, if that moodlet is of a custom mood, you will see a custom mood then :) So long as the mood pack file is in, when that is set to happen, it will happen :) If you want to see custom moods more often, you can grab my 'custom moods for some game moodlets' mod too and you will see them a bunch


Sorry it's just because I can't see any of the preteen mod's content either and it requires this mod to work :) should i mention that under adeepindigo's patreon instead?


Hi, sorry for being a nuisance but I have an update. I just checked my mods lift and the mood pack has shown up as being custom content rather than a script mod. Is that the issue?


No worries! :) Mood pack is not a script mod, it's just a package file, so no that's perfectly normal.


Oh wait I just saw your reply. Mood pack is not why you aren't seeing the preteen stuff, let me grab you the list of stuff to check


0. Is your **game up to date**? *My mods work properly only on the Most Recent versions of the game.* 1. Are all .package and / or .TS4SCRIPT files for this mod **extracted from archive files?** *(no .zip or .rar in mods folder)* 2. Are all files **directly in the mods folder OR in one subfolder** in it, but no deeper? 3. Are **cc mods AND script mods both enabled** in game settings? (must check BOTH) - *in game, in options, under 'other settings'* 4. Do you have only **ONE version** of the mod installed at a time and is that version compatible with your game version?


The best thing to do is to remove all subfolders and just put all the mod files directly in your Mods Folder at this moment, just to make sure that there's not a problem with scripts not being read. If that's still no good, I'd advise going to the mccc discord server where they do general mod support and can figure it out for you


Just tested it again and its worked! Thank you so so much for all the help, its people like you who make the sims community a better and happier place to be in. Have a great day or night :D


I'm new here and you already have all that mods.


I made a traditional Chinese translation for your mod, which is currently the latest version, thank you for making a high-quality mod. :) Link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/54421898


Is it only supposed to be a package instead of a folder?


Yes, just a package file, put it directly in your Mods Folder and that's it :)


Hi! This is my Simplified Chinese translation~ You are awesome! Wish you all the best!https://www.patreon.com/posts/qing-xu-bao-gun-69775297


Hi, I was at curse forge and was downloading the updated version of this mod that said Jan 5 but for some reason, it is only giving me the version Dec 29? so idk if that's the correct one I'm supposed to be installing.


Yeah that's normal, I updated the file December 29 but didn't publish it until January 5 :)