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Hi Super Patrons, Most Generous Patrons and Superstar Patrons! Thanks again for your support!

Here comes a rather awkward post because we’re getting a little medical in a very cheap way for Sims purposes… I'm sure you know what we're going to talk about... Yes, part 2 of the WooHoo Wellness mod, the...

... the WTDs! (original image by Maxis / EA, their copyright; alterations by you know whom).  Please be aware for now I will be showing the Realistic Version of the WTDs, as I'm making those first. I will re-write the text for the Sim-Appropriate Version. I am trying to not be graphic at all but considering the topic is medical, it's a little difficult...


But first, let us review the BIG PICTURE, or, the plan for the mod release:

Part One - done and released.

Part Two:  - WooHoo Transmittable Diseases (Real and Fake)(optional feature) - Everything related to that (interactions, effects, contagion, etc) 

Part Three:  - Changes / additions to adoption system, - Out-of-marriage pregnancy interaction / reactions, - Teen pregnancy interactions / reactions, - System for a partner be convinced to keep or give up the baby by a Sim that wants / doesn't want a baby   (was supposed to be in pt1 but wasn't ready), - System for a Sim that didn't want a baby to progressively accept it and make peace with it (was supposed to be in pt1 but wasn't ready) 

And for those who missed the Giant Description Post with details of each feature mentioned in the outline above, find it here. 


 So, what’s going to be in part 2 of the WooHoo Wellness Mod?

For now, we will say welcome to:

UTIs, Herpes, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, AIDS, yeast, trichomoniasis and simple temporary chaffing. Each of these will have a more Sim-fitting equivalent, and those of you who want Simmish stuff over hyperrealism will be able to get that version instead. The effects will be the same, but the name and overall text will be a little different.)

How will these work?

They are caught through WooHoo, obviously… (UTIs and yeast are not fully related to sexuality in real life of course, but it increases risk for them, so let us take a convenient shortcut for now and have those also triggered by WooHoo). 

Protected WooHoo has a very very small chance of causing the WooHoo Transmittable Diseases and other down-there-related problems (let me name all that together the ‘WTDs+’), but it’s unprotected WooHoo that has stellar chances of causing trouble if a partner is infected.

 Contagion risk will vary depending on the disease stage (for example, herpes out of outbreak is almost not contagious at all, but during an outbreak very contagious). 

At first, a Sim will be asymptomatic, for most of those WTDs+. Symptoms will start slow and increase. Some of these diseases may remain fully asymptomatic (gonorrhea for example) and that will be a thing for our Sims too (not experiencing symptoms but able to pass on the disease)… 

For example, a UTI will get worse quickly. If untreated for a long time, not only does it get worse, but kidney failure may happen, which will send your Sim to the hospital and they may suffer permanent consequences. A yeast infection will get worse quickly then stabilize; it won’t go away until treated. Same with symptomatic cases of gonorrhea and chlamydia.   

UTI at the beginning. It quickly escalates to another moodlet. If left undiagnosed and untreated, it keeps escalating... through two more moodlets all the way to this:

If diagnosed however, this happens:

Some of these diseases have extremely similar symptom, for that reason they may share symptoms and moodlets until diagnosed. Because the Sim can't know which it is! For example, Gonorrhea and Chlamidya share this way.  DO NOT read the moodlet if uncomfortable with mildly medical descriptions!!

Example: starting moodlet for both Gonorrhea and Chlamidya. 

 Some of these problems are dynamic, such as chaffing. If no WooHoo happens in a day, it’ll improve and go away. If WooHoo happens though, the chaffing will go back to its worst state.

So, if a Sim is experiencing disconcerting symptoms… 

They can go see a doctor (rabbit-hole). Your Sim will come back knowing what’s going on, and the moodlets will change at this point. There will be a prescription for most of these. So long as your Sim used their medication, the problem should leave. If your Sim didn’t though, the game will know (yes, I’m that cruel) and the problem will stay if none of the prescription was used, and may stay or go if some of it was used and some not, but statistics are on the side of the problem staying, just fyi.  

What about WooHoo when infected, autonomous WooHoo and whatnot? Won't it end up in disaster?

No! :) For most of these, when they are active, autonomous WooHoo will be turned off*, so that your Sim doesn't end up infecting someone else out of pure negligence... Now if you want the Sims to take risks and not care as much as they should and be reckless, that's up to you - people do that in real life sometimes.... - but I'm not mean enough to make that autonomous. This is our starting point, things may change by the time this mod gets an update, we'll see. Too early to think about that!

Will Sims be able to do more than get the diseases?

Of course yes. They'll be able to ask each other about diseases (and may lie in answer!), get tested alone or together, get medication, and a couple more things...

Will Permanent Problems happen to my Sims?

Yes... And no. Possibility of death will be optional and may come out a bit later. Permanent damage from diseases left untreated too long may be optional. What is for sure is that there will be cheats to cure anything and everything and make Sims immune to WTDs. 

How far ahead is all this, development-wise?

You may notice I'm not showing many in-game screencaps at this moment. This is because my focus has been on putting together the system and building it, so much so that I haven't even tried it in game yet because all of it is too interconnected to pre-test isolated parts.

I am expecting to release this part during the current week. Not today, not tomorrow, probably not before Wednesday at the very earliest, and I odn't believe it'll be ready Wednesday. Between Thursday and Saturday are the likely days. May be a day before, may be a day after... If I work faster than planned, I will add a little surprise in this release... We shall see!


Your opportunity for small Feature Requests / Suggestions!

What else do you want to see in this part, which relates to the topic of said part? Make a suggestion / request and I will try to accomodate it!

+ You can Name the 'Sim Friendly' version of the WTDs, drop your ideas below!


Some additional random screenshots:



Lumpinou, already working on part 2? take it easy dont push yourself too much now

Brit Lynn

Not really another feature-- but can we please have an option to get birth control pills via the computer (like we can with condoms) without the family planning appointment rabbit hole? The appointment and rabbit hole are nice for story telling, but since I'm currently switching from other BC/Condom mods to yours, I have some families/sims that I just been to switch over quickly to make sure they're covered as I transition from one mod to yours, and having to do the rabbit hole with each family, and each female sim, is a LOT. Maybe list is as 'renew birth control' on the computer menu or something and leave the family planning appointment and rabbit hole via the phone, so that way both options are available? Once I realized sims could order condoms on the computer to bypass the rabbit hole, I was so excited, and I've been using that method nonstop for my older sims (I make teens go thru the rabbit hole to "prepare" for their first time, lol), and I'd love to do the same for BC while still having the rabbit hole for those times when its needed for story telling. Thanks!! I absolultey LOVE the mod and cannot wait for the rest of the features and parts to come out-- specifically the WTDs and the adoption parts-- I've been waiting forever for us to be able to put sims up for adoption-- and I love that you're going to include that sims will be able to have conversations about if they're going to continue with a pregnancy, have an abortion, put up a baby for adoption, etc. Please include discussions for child support and such or 'discuss parenting agreement/ custody schedule' for parents who aren't living together or aren't together... ahhh so exciting! Can.Not.Wait!!!


Ahhh! This is so exciting. The only thing I can think of, not sure if possible, is if a sim hasn't cheated on their partner and their partner gives them an STD they would instantly know/assume they've been cheated on? Maybe the higher the charisma skill, the higher the chance to talk the other sim out of it.


Good point about the birth control, I'll see about that! Thanks for the message, good ideas and enthusiasm


Yes that is a good idea. Say they got tested together, they're both clean, and then boom one of them has something... Obviously someone went somewhere else 😂 I'm not sure yet how I'd do that but I want to. I'm sure ideas will come


I really like that even if we use the realistic names, death is optional. I play rotation and I'm not big on returning to dead sims I wasn't playing

True AI

If you can add lots of features like have here and keep it functional with WW without having an overlapping feature set, I'll be more than happy!


I am not familiar with WW, I had it in game for two days to test how part 1 of this mod behaved with it but that's it. I don't really know what it has. All I can tell you is my system can probably only apply to Woohoo and try for baby. It remains to be seen but it may be the case. I don't know how WW does WTDs or STDs, but keep in mind that if they have it in a way you like, you can keep this stuff out. It's optional.

True AI

I use it all the time, so if you ever need someone to test anything for you, I'm open to it. Thanks for all your work on this! ❤️


I really like this idea, and I'm impressed with the amount of research that you are doing for this^^ I think I'll even get the fatal-options once they are out. Are the UTI moodleds you posted the only two that are going to be there? Because for this disease in particular I think it would be nice to have a few more but shorter moodlets (that only last one hour maybe) that increase symptoms? Like, first, its just the urge to pee, then it starts burning, you get cramps, your side starts hurting, and then it goes to organ failure. It would make it a little more realistic imo. Then again, I dont really know how much work this would be, so if it is too much, please feel free to just ignore this suggestion o.o Being a medstudent i tend to go overboard with things like these o.o The other thing I had in mind, also for UTIs was, as you said, UTI isnt really an STD but woohoo, especially with multiple different partners greatly increases the risk of getting the disease, at least for women. Would it be possible, maybe in the realistic version, to have like a 0,1 or 0,01% chance to get infected using public bathrooms or when getting the freezing moddled from season or sth like that? Im really really excited for this part of the mod, thank you so much for improving the game this way :D


I mentioned in the description there are 3 more moodlets. I didn't want to show them because there's mentions of blood etc. The people who will get the more sim friendly version might not want to see that more graphic stuff so I kept it out of the post :) Interesting idea about public bathrooms. The other thing would be, if they don't shower often enough, etc. Those are added layers though and I may not have any such thing in at the very beginning just in order to get this mod out at some point 😂 but eventually it would be cool to get that problem outside of Woohoo. It may be a little more harsh on ressources so I want to work on that separately à little later to focus on making it efficient


Hi! I'd really love to see some cravings for the pregnant mama as well as some mood swings. :)


^^ Preggo cravings! I would love to see a bunch of those in game! (mood swings too!) perhaps even a doting partner menu~ they can ask how preggo sim is feeling, ask if they're hungry, fuss over partner, etc. Maybe even some birth related questions and moodlets?


Having had a lot of UTIs in my life, I've found that 9/10 times I'm able to 'cure' it myself if I drink enough water in the beginning stages. Not sure if that would be an option?


I want to make it so that it can be avoided by peeing soon after Woohoo and if I can manage the drinking thing I will do that as well, not sure yet that I can have both but I think I could


Hiya, im a new patron, and i just saw a new post for "More info on Part 2 of WooHoo Wellness" but im unable to access it. Im just wondering do i need to upgrade to get the latest news and on this tier when would this info become available? Sorry to ask, im just unsure how tiers work on your patron, im abit confused. Thank you!


Hi, that other post is the same as this one but without possibly to make feature requests. Basically you're already on the upper tier haha. It's the same info but I separate because then it's easier for me to known whose suggestions are the ones I'll look at, and that's those on this post since feature requests / suggestions are for super patron and higher :) The other post is a lower tier version. Hope that explains it!


Thanks for your reply, yes it much more clearer now. I think its the way patron website seems to work that confused me a little lol as it said it was locked, and i could upgrade for an extra $1 when i clicked it, it said it was no longer available, so i wondered what happened. Im sorry, i made a mistake here, i didnt see the reply arrow on your comment until i posted it. Sorry about this.


Hey! It says that there could be permanent damage if WTDs go untreated? Could you say more about that? What kind of permanent problems could they have? Or do you mean death? Lol


Kidney failure due to UTI left untreated for very long will cause permanently weaker bladder; potentially med prescriptions with side effects. Untreated HIV / AIDS will cause possible death... But this may not be I. The very first version to come out. And it will remain an optional feature. Other diseases left untreated will also cause permanent effects in later versions.


I am soo excited for part two i literally check my emails everyday to see if i've received a notification saying you posted it yet!


Hi is part 2 coming soon? cause I'm holding my breath and I'm getting light-headed lol... please say soon!


Yes soon :) a few days, 2 or 3 I think... It got bigger in terms of elements than I wast first planning, and the game patch made me lose two days, so it's taking some extra time :)


ok, cool thanks for the reply.