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Coming Soon: Road to Romance mod: romance skill (10 levels)! With this mod, Sims will be a little bad at love before they're good at it. New interactions! (social interactions with friends and lovers such as '' talk about love life'', "ask/give love advice" , "discuss living together", "express gratitude for relationship", "discuss relationship ideals", "admit to having never woohoo'd", "admit to having little experience", "brag about high romance skill" and etc etc, there's more; Rabbit Holes such as couple's counseling that both partners attend, and Singles Coaching sessions, and dates (with various outcomes for each) computer interactions such as creating a love advice blog, researching romance tips, researching WooHoo tips, and there will be more! Also includes some changes to game behavior, for examples Sims with extremely low romance skill will be unlikely to get the super positive WooHoo buffs (like 'seeing stars') and will get embarrassed / uncomfortable ones instead - they will also struggle more to build relationship points with others - they got to start somewhere! V1. 0 coming very soon (first for patrons, in just a few days, then for everyone else). Want me to add any specific interaction / feature? Feel free to drop a suggestion!



Can you do a rabbit hole for wedding/eloping and or honeymoon? Some of us may want our sims to go off and marry someone but not actually go with them... and maybe depending on their relationship strength they would have different levels of success...like maybe someone had cold feet or the honeymoon was a disaster and they are thinking of annulment, which could be another rabbit hole...going court to get a divorce/annulment. Especially with the annulment, there can be a time period of 2 days or something that they would need to act on it otherwise they would have to go through the divorce process...which I also think should be enhanced. I have always loved rabbit holes to move stories along for some sims and realistic relationship gameplay like the actual process/cost of a divorce. Great job on this, I can not wait!! I love your mods and I hope you take this in consideration with a future update/mod, thanks for everything you do for us!!


I love those ideas! They'd be long work so I won't put them in V1.0, to release it in time (ie sometime by the end of this week), but as soon as that is done, I will be starting on stuff you just inspired. There's a great mod for realistic divorce, by Zero, so I won't really touch that. It's here if you want to look. https://www.patreon.com/posts/ir-divorce-32118547 But elopement sounds fun, and honeymoons! I also think annulment is a neat idea for a bit more drama! (and for some reason now I'm thinking, rabbit hole funerals would be cool too - but, not in this mod haha). Also just dates between established couples but as rabbit holes. I made dates with new partners only so far but you gave me the idea of making them with declared partners too. I agree, I don't always want to follow my Sims around, especially when playing bigger households, but still want them to have stuff going on in their lives! Thanks for the ideas and your nice words.

Sheila Lobert

Not sure if you are aware, but the latest wicked whims public release added a sexpertise skill and varied whoohoo buffs. I'm not sure if you could or would want to make a compatible version, but just wanted to let you know in case you did. It would be awesome to have yours complement that system, but it is also great just to have it as an alternative. I, personally, find myself taking WW out of my game from time to time, and putting it back in for little things I miss; this could take the place of one of those things I just re-added it for! lol

Sheila Lobert

I use Zero's IR mod for divorce, but I love Sabrina's suggestions for things that could enhance that in gameplay/story telling.

Sheila Lobert

By the way, I am love all your mods! Rambunctious Religions is my favorite!


Oooh can't wait ! What a great idea! 😍😍


Ahhhh, no I didn't know that... I knew they had some sort of WooHoo skill, but that's it. Well well. I will have to look into it - or, I could just have my mod be for people who don't use WW, and make a version that will be WW friendly. Two versions, I think I'll do that. Thanks for the heads up. My skill is really for all things romance, the being awkward at wooHoo is just a little part, so hopefully they and I didn' t have too many overlapping ideas!


Aww thanks so much! Rambunctious Religions was a lot of work, and I'm always happy to hear someone enjoys it. I hope to wrap it up to v1.0 soon.

Sheila Lobert

It would be super cool if your mod could "read" something from Zero's showing that they had filed for divorce, and they could get couples counseling with varied outcomes (possibility of ending the divorce proceedings or possibility of making them angry(ier) at each other, etc. This one is probably just an impossible dream as I can only imagine the coding nightmare, but I wish in the event of divorce they could go to "court" or "mediation" to decide custody. That part might be doable as a rabbit hole, but shared custody would be hard. I've thought about this ever since Zero's mod came out, and the best way I could think to have it possible would be that either during summer/weekends the kids went "away" to a rabbit hole and were marked as "spending time with other parent." Or, I don't know if this would be harder or easier, but it could (with her permission) rely on LMS's holiday tradition for no school and have the kids go to the other parent (as described above) on school holidays. That way the player could decide what days they should be gone. OR you could create your own event for shared custody that is schedulable on the calendar and sends them away on like that...just thought of that; that could be the best. Of course, the more my brain delves into this the more it sounds like it belongs in it's own mod as a supplement to Zero's. Rabbit holes, man. (Actually, after just reading Zero's comments on that mod, they mentioned that they allow altered redistribution of their mods, so you could use it as a base and just expand on it since they are not really interested in doing so because they don't do a lot of family play). Only if you wanted, of course. Just, Sabrina reopened the flood of ideas I had a long time ago. :D


I don't use Zero's divorce mod myself for now (just because since having the game I've played only the 4 same sims) but if I were to really look into what it does and how it works, I could trigger stuff in my mod based on their stuff. For kids going away, a day long rabbit hole is not an issue to make. Or 2 days, whatever. On week-ends, the parent could take the kid there, the parent comes back after 20 min, the kid stays gone for a long time. That is something I can do. I do have to add stuff about break-ups and divorced people in my Road to Romance mod. I have some socials in my Contextual Social Interactions such as "Trash Ex" and whatnot, but that's it. So yes, more rabbit holes, more discussions, etc, that's all good ideas.

Sheila Lobert

Honestly, considering how cool they are with sharing their stuff, integrating the divorce mod INTO yours might be the easiest way to go about it if you want that stuff in there; that way you wouldn't have to worry about compatibility or who had it and who didn't. Or maybe not; that's above my pay grade modding wise ;p.

Sheila Lobert

This is looking like it will be another fantastic addition to the game. Thank the Great Watcher for modders like you!


Oooo some rabbit hole events for Rambunctious Religions would be amazing, that would be the perfect spot for your funeral idea!! ;) Each sect can do their own type of service!


There are Rabbit holes in rambunctious Religions already - but having funeral services according to each faith and for fully non religious Sims too is a very good idea! Definitely putting that in the list.