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EDIT: Update to Version 1 is out, look for the link in the MOD INDEX :)

Patrons' (slightly) early release of this update. File at the bottom of this post :)
New features:
- Religion skill! Gain skill by using religious interactions and reading the Holy Book. Plus, in-game instructions regarding the skills and how to unlock interactions, in case you ever need a refresher (available in the "action -- Religion menu")
- Two new prayer interactions that unlock at higher skill levels.
- Events (rabbit hole) with storytelling moodlets, such as an initiation ceremony (with a different 'story' for each SimReligion; during initiation, Sims sequence through 4 story moodlets that tell you what is happening). Most of these also have 3 different possible outcome moodlets.
- Some interactions now unlock only if sim has had an initiation or has reached a certain skill level.
- Control world religion! Assign SimReligion and skill level or absence thereof to all other Sims present. Or, remove religion from all Sims present. Alternative: automatically assign religion or lack thereof to everyone your Sim comes near to - this runs for 10 sim days, you can stop it anytime, and of course re-launch it if you feel like you didn't meet enough people during that time. Will not affect Sims to whom you manually assigned religions. In order to not break immersion when playing, these options are nested in the "Actions -- Religion" menu, where the SimReligion-choosing buttons are, and not in the "Religion" menu where Sims find interactions to perform.
- "Ask Sim if Religious" interaction.
- Club rules for each religion!
- Computer interaction "Research Religion", under "Browse web - Research". Builds Religion skill.
- Objectives for the "Religous Official" career have been modified to better fit these new features.
And of course, all the old features remain!

By version 1.0, there will be: more interactions that unlock with higher skill levels, more interactions with objects and the computer, more integration and improvements of the social event, improvement of the lot traits.

Basic description from previous version:
"Each SimReligion (called that way to make sure nobody thinks these are real religions) comes with its own special social interactions, which differ if the listener is non-religious, part of the same faith, or part of another. Each SimReligion also offers specific perks in the form of moodlets and career / skill benefits.
Also includes lot traits for each SimReligion, a religious career and a "religious gathering" social event - complete with a Base Game basic church building and a universal Holy Book so that you can get started right away!

Will your Sim join the Congregation of non-Believers, the Cult of the Cowplant, the Worship of the Watcher, or the Treaders of the Occult? Are they more of a nerd, a hippy, a creative and morally elevated person, or a misfit?"

 More info (and a very basic base-game 'religious gathering' building) on the ModTheSims page.

EDIT: Update to Version 1 is out, look for the link in the MOD INDEX :)



Would it be possible to set a religion for everyone in the world without having to go to each and every house and making them read the holy book ? I want to assign religions to newly populated sims but I don't want to track everyone down.


Hi, yes, with the update you can just go to a public lot and assign religion randomly to everyone there. Do that on a few lots and you'll have a lot of religious Sims. It works on played Sims too. You can also invite anyone to whom you want to give religion to make sure they get it. With the way the game is made its impossible to just have something apply to all existing sims, so this is the best I could do. When you use that option, all Sims present will be assigned a religion, or no religion. One out of five Sims will get no religion. Let me know if you need more explanations! If there is interest in it, I could develop the same system but autonomous, meaning once you've activated it, everywhere you go it will convert Sims to randomly assigned religions. If that's interesting to you, I can add that option, alongside the manual one.


Yes please! Also thanks for the update I super love it!


OK, I will add an autonomous option that works the same as the manual one but in the background, you'll just have to activate it once then take your sim out. Thanks for the feedback!


I have now added this feature - it is in the "Control World Religion" menu.

Sheila Lobert

Would it be possible to set the percentage of sims you want assigned to each religion when doing the 10 days of random assignments or globally and/or to restrict treadaers of the occult auto-assigment to sims within occult bloodlines?


I should be able to make it so that, say, 60-70% of occults get the Treaders assignment, and the rest get either nothing or another SimReligion. I could also run Humans through a different test first, so that they are, say, only 5 or 10% likely to become Treaders, instead of 20%. Would that be something in the lines of what you mentioned? I think it would make sense - I just have to decide the exact percentage that'd be reasonable... As for restricting the Treaders fully, I wouldn't want to do that, since I want this to be accessible to all even those who have only base game, or just human Sims who are vamp fans. But, I could offer an alternate version of the mod where that is the case - it would require a lot of tweaking, but it is an interesting idea. I will consider it. For sure I will do the first thing - making it so that Occults are much more likely to be treaders - if that's something you'd prefer that is - I might be misunderstanding. For letting the player decide percentages exactly, I can't really do that, except I could add an option to manually make everyone in a room Cowplant, or Treader, or whatever else.

Sheila Lobert

Yes, that would work for me. I just like the idea that some of the ones modeled after more "main stream" religions would be more common. I didn't realize it did it by a percentage already. Is the code for setting the percent reasonably accessible in the package file? If you gave me a tiny bit of direction, I have enough XML editing experience that I could probably set it for myself in my copy of the file. (I'd probably set WoW 25%, CC 8%, CN 12%, TO 5%, and no religion 50% as my personal settings, just in case you're curious. lol.) I also like that all in the room option. That would be an easy way to set families. Also, it seems children can talk about religion but not have one; is that correct? To me it seems that children are often the most "religious" (even if they don't fully understand it) in real life, so I'd like my sim parents to be able to teach their children "the faith," if that's do-able. In one religion mod I used to have (I like yours so much better overall!), parents could even read the holy book to their children. That would be nice, as would have a few recolor options for the holy book to represent the different "faiths." I totally get having one object (Smart!) but since it's buyable it seems like recolors would be possible? Or no because it's a book? Btw, I am planning on supporting you at some point. I kind of try to cycle through my favorite creators and support different ones for a little while each to share the love on a limited budget. ;)


It's not set by percentages but weights. Which you can translate to percentages in your head - as of now I have 5 options, each with the same weight, so that's 20% chance. I will add something fo the Occults to get another test first, and then run through the second one. So they'll have different outcomes. I can make it so that say Watcher comes out twice as often as Cowplant or Treaders, and same with Non-Believers, or just the 'no religion' result. Something to think about. The treaders I'll do for sure, the rest I'm not promising, I'll think about it. You could customize it for your own use too yes. But actually I might just do it for you since you just gave me your preferences and, why not :) but perhaps I'll say, wait until I've added the Treaders thing, this way you get both. That's fine, public posts are public; people can come and go - subscribe and leave within a day, or stay longer, or not subscribe at all and just pass by and comment, it's all good, everyone is allowed to give feedback, suggestions, criticism and whatnot :) I do intend to try to release things early for Patrons as a thank you for the extra support, and make extra efforts to accomodate their ideas etc, but I understand financial restrictions, being struggling there myself haha, and comments are also support :) But thanks very much for considering subscribing at some point :)

Sheila Lobert

Thank you so much for being open to ideas! I'm slowly...and I do mean slowly (teacher with a toddler) teaching myself some modding skills because I have SO many ideas and just enough knowledge to have an idea of what might be possible at different skill levels that I don't posses. If I ever start to annoy you with ideas, please feel free to tell me to cool it, ok? But also know I have no expectation; just hopes and dreams. :)


Hello, Does anyone know the code for changing the religion skill? Stats.set_skill_level (skill/major/minor) (is it religion?) 10


I don't think you can use that as that's game codes and they probably don't recognize mods. You can use mccc or UI cheats to cheat a skill up. I may have added cheats in the mod itself to cheat the skill up but maybe I didn't (I did for Psychic Sims and Road to Romance, I don't remember if I did add them back to Religions).


I love this mod so much! It just adds so much more flavor to the game. My one problem though, do you think it'd be possible for you to make the religion skill go up faster? It just seems to take an awfully long time to level up, longer than other skills. Ty <3


My other mods with skills have cheats to them to improve skill etc, I will add that to this mod too eventually. Calibration of skill gain is the trickiest part of making a custom skill, so if upon testing I find I necessary to revise that I will too. Sometime in January is when I should be able to come back to this mod and give it all the little tweaks it sorely needs :)