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Rough pages for Pulse 483 to 488.  So the end of this chapter and the first third of the next chapter.

Page 483-

The trio on the hot springs.  I had wondered if they should be naked or not, but looked it up and naked is the tradition, so I thought that's where Tabitha would take them.

I haven't completely decided why Tabitha is banned.  I'm considering it that it's somehow related to Char from Gundam (her interest in masked men).

Page 484-

When Dr. Mae arrives home, she finds that Annie and Tabitha have joined Charlotte in front of the TV.  But now Tabitha is dress as Sailor Venus, and Charlotte is in a Kimono.

Alternative ideas were that Tabitha had intentionally brought them to the mens side of the hot springs, or that Jesse and Lucy ended up there too.

Page 485-

The start of chapter 38 "Gremlin".  At a tech place, they are testing out a new security robot dog.  The guards walk away and hear the dog fighting with something.  When they return it's in pieces and a locked area has been ripped open.

Page 486-

I wanted Tabitha to not be there because Tabitha would have been more effective at controlling Annie.

Charlotte is watching a show until the power in all the city goes out.

Page 487-

I think this page might be flipped the wrong way.  Charlotte opens up the door and they see the whole city is dark.  Annie sends out a drone (have to make sure I drew her with a bag or something).

Page 488-

Annie controls the drone until it's attacked.



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