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Had a talky page, and felt like making it full of fan-service.  I wonder if it'll get removed from Webtoon...  If it does, I might have fun with it and just make it look like Annie and Charlotte are in huge mounds of soap bubbles with only their heads sticking out and resubmit it.

I'm trying to give Charlotte some characterization in this chapter.  She's really nice, she's kind of a tomboy, she smiles and laughs a lot-- and she likes to enjoy herself.  She likes food, and entertainment.

Originally this chapter was going to be the start of a super-villain for Annie, but Charlotte would be included in the story and I thought I hadn't done enough to show her adjusting to the present yet.  I had to show her starting to adapt.  I also wanted to put her with Annie and Tabitha considering the three of them will be a three-person team once they're all confirmed to be C-Class.  B-Class are individuals, C-Class are three-person teams, D-Class are two person teams.  They'll need Charlotte to be their third.




Have you ever considered making uncensored/nude versions of some of your pages and posting them here?