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Not that much difference between the version with and without dialog this week.  I thought this worked fine as a silent page, and when with that.

I needed a page with them transporting the suit to be disassembled and Annie getting some clothes.  The page was split into three sections- one section showing them getting to Annie's room and Thomas continuing on, one section with Annie getting undressed and redressed, and then them meeting up and taking apart the suit.

You can see I redrew panel 5.  It's not a different idea exactly, but I didn't think the pose worked if you couldn't see her legs.  I also went and looked back to see how Annie stored her clothes.  She and Lucy have this big wall of cabinets beside their bunkbed, but I has only been shown at all open once.

Green is an ascent color for this page for some reason.  Even Annie's socks and underwear!



TF Commando

Perhaps you could draw panel 4 from another or wider angle as a NSFW pinup sometime!