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Okay the next two pages.

Pulse 466-

  • Thomas puts his shirt on Annie (if you noticed, he had a shirt on over a t-shirt to allow this to be simple).
  • He says something like he doesn't want her to be uncomfortable.  Maybe there's some comment about how she's really going to launch out of the suit.
  • Annie ejects from the suit.  Because the suit opens, it's now just Thomas's shirt on her.  I have to look at previous pages to see if the difference in size between them would result in a shirt that big.
  • Thomas catches Annie.  I think I might have made her too big compared to him.  Not sure how the shirt would be covering her here, it could be barely hiding anything.
  • Annie looks back at the suit noticing it still didn't turn back into a ring.

Pulse 467-

  • Annie puts on the shirt properly.
  • Annie still adjusting while Thomas stands with his back to her.
  • Annie says something like "I thought this would be really sexy, but it's too cute!"
  • she might say here "I don't even think I could pop the buttons if I tried." (and change the pose a little if that dialog)?  Or maybe it's a transition page where she's re-focusing on the suit?
  • Annie mentions she's regained a small amount of her charge.
  • She shocks her suit to see if it needs power.
  • It doesn't do anything.

(spoiler alert below)

The thing is, remember when Annie was frozen in that pool?  And they realized someone tampered with her suit?  Then took out a part that shouldn't be there?  That's my theory here.  That's what's wrong with her suit, and I think I have a way to tie it in so it doesn't seem like it's something Annie didn't solve herself.



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