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Any thoughts?  Did I make Jen too small?  The deal is that Mimi didn't have enough time to warn her that she'll return to her giant size whenever she's turned on.  So she'll have a smaller size and then maybe degrees of her giant size.

I think I want Mimi to be much larger than Jen at her smallest size.  But Mimi is a stable size and Jen is somewhat variable.

I wanted to get at least a page of each comic done this month, this is the comic left.




I'd say Shrunken Jen is a LITTLE on the small side, yeah... Sure doesn't look like a 50% reduction, more like an 80% or 90%.Maybe make her a little closer to Annie(Pulse) 's size? If you want Mimi to be WAY bigger than Shrunken Jen, you could always just bump up Mimi.... Wouldn't say no to that....


I think the size is a-okay. It's nice to have a more realistic size to start with, especially if there's going to be growth back and forth.