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Here's sketches I don't think I've uploaded here-

  • I thought I'd draw Arim, and this seemed cute.
  • Then an Annie version.
  • I also started drawing Annie in that swimsuit that was popular.
  • That new Batgirls comic interests me with both Cass and Steph working together.  I always like odd couple pairs.  I was starting to draw them, but need to work out which version of their costumes to draw.  Each artists makes them a little different.
  • Another Batgirls picture that's rough.  I was trying to think about what kind of car I'd put them in.  I'd want them to be more goofy detectives than just fight after fight with is what Batman has sometimes become.  Instead of a crazy car to smash through the city, I'd put them in something simple.  Maybe the front trunk has a grappling hook, or maybe it's a bunker for someone to hide in (or maybe for both of them if motivated enough).
  • Another Batgirls picture.  I thought in disguise at a party.  I figured they'd each have brought weapons that might look like fashion statements.
  • Tifa.
  • Tifa again.
  • I'm planning for this to be Tifa fighting one of those haunted house enemies from FF7, to show how crazy that would look if you made it more realistic.
  • Tifa a fourth time.



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