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A little late in starting this.  We're nearing the end of this chapter and story, so things need to be wrapped up.  The first issue is that we need to see Evilyn with five horns-- so she needs to be hurt again.  I didn't want to go with someone being stupid, so I had to come up with a way for Evilyn to be hurt that wasn't anyone's fault.

Panel 1-

The whole group (might want to redraw Annie to be more dramatic or something).

Panel 2-

As seen on the last page, Evilyn's powers now allow her to turn into vapor like the other hero here.  She disappears.

Panel 3-

She appears behind Annie.

Panel 4-

She punches Annie, knocking out just one of the power cords to her suit.

Panel 5-

The cord hits her, shocking her.

This seemed like a good option.  It involves Annie, but isn't her doing something beyond her abilities, or being her stupid.  I've got three more pages to complete the story after this, but I think my plans will work.  Some of these things just need soft endings, not to be completely resolved.



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