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Okay, here's a rough idea of my plan for the next part of Materia Enhanced.  To convince Tifa that their crazy lie was true, Yuffie and Rikku have to use their growth materia randomly around Edge to give the appearance of some kind of boob growth virus.  The joke of the story is though that whenever it's Rikku's turn, she keeps failing to make anyone grow, as her trips out become more and more silly.

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They need to go in shifts during their breaks.  Rikku goes first because I thought that was funnier.  I tried to make Edge look more full and alive.  It was empty-ish when Tifa was out in the last chapter, but this is closer to noon maybe.  Some FF games had Moogles, other didn't, so I thought I'd show one.  Maybe some of the FF MMO species too (whatever they are).

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Rikku walks around trying to decide who to grow.  Unlike Yuffie, she's more lawful good, so she's struggling with how to handle it.  I thought I'd make her look at it realistically this first 15 trip.  She sits with her feet in some kind of pool eating ice cream at the end.

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Rikku is still trying to decide what to do, thinking.  Then we see her running back to be back in the 15 minute limit.  She lies and says that she was successful when she actually couldn't decide who to use the materia on yet.

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Yuffie takes the glove, and I wanted to show that Yuffie at least doesn't seem to be worried about using the materia.  After Yuffie leaves, Rikku tries to ask Amy for advice.

Now I'm trying to decide what to do from here.  From a comedy point of view, not showing Yuffie's trips through the town making people grow would be the funniest option.  We'd just see her return and have her brag about it.  Then when Rikku goes out again and fails again, our imagination of the comparison would be funnier than anything I could show.

BUT, I wonder if that's the wrong idea for this kind of story.

Rikku has to come up with a solution to her problem, and it either should be just dumb luck, or that she has a good idea.  Whatever it is, she has to be careful to avoid anyone knowing about the Materia or knowing that it caused them to grow (or that ruins their whole scheme).  It also has to be something fast, if she only has 15 minutes each time.



TF Commando

One possible setback is that Rikku is getting a lot of attention from guys, so a lot of women (especially those out with boyfriends) are steering clear of her. It could be that the materia is working with a slower area effect, so Rikku thinks she wasn’t able to pick anyone, but the results will show up later. The materia would have leveled up from a single target power to an area effect one… or it was a function of the glove, something Yuffie rigged, having some idea about Rikku’s reticence.

Shane Jackson

The bigger Tifa, Rikku and Yuffie grow the better.