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The final page of chapter 34 "Evil-Eye".  I haven't yet decided on the name for the next chapter.

There's still a lot to resolve, and I don't exactly have it all written out (when you're doing a webcomic by yourself, you're lucky to have an idea in your head about how it's going to turn out).  You typically get past your planning fast, and then have to manage however you can manage.

There's kind of different stages to planning (from best to worst)-

  • Having everything written and roughly drawn
  • Having everything written
  • Having a written overview
  • Having a vague idea in your head
  • Making it up scene by scene
  • Making it up page by page

I'm usually in the "Having a vague idea in your head".  An advantage to having less planning is that you can adapt to feedback-- but also it's a risk because you can easily fall into page by page, and at that point it's hard to have a consistent story.  But it's probably good practice to try each of these stages at some point, because you usually won't be able to always have the best planned out options.

Annie will appear in this story more, but she's not really powerful enough to be a player.  Support is the best role she could manage.



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