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I figure people here want five things- big breasts, huge breasts, some nudity, giant breasts, and growing breasts.  It's difficult for any one thing to fill all of those interests.  I thought this might be a simple idea to appeal to the giant breasts group.

This did just start out as a single picture, but it's hard for me to make something and not give it enough backstory to turn it into a comic.

Mimi is the other character for this little story.  Jen here though will need some way in the story to do things.  I can't imagine it would be interesting to have her immobile.  Maybe some mechanic to make her smaller under certain conditions?




Judging by her reading a description means she bought so a good way to get her small enough to be mobile agian would be to request to buy a shrink medicine from the company however much like the growth medicine do to the way it effects is an unexact science leading to to A(becoming mobile but stil so ridiculously large that she is unbalanced easily by them and pulled by there momentum swinging and bouncing around making her clumsy and hard pressed to find clothes that fit due to the size she shrinks to being unexact)or B(shrinks down to just slightly bigger then she used to be but that last way shorter then option A like maybe anyware from a half-hour to 3 long enough to leave home but unpredictable as to when she start growing back to her real size so you have situations ware she ether trys to rush home or find a place large and out of the way to hide before she grows to immobility while she calls mimi to get her shrink medicine out of her fidge where she keeps so it doesn't go bad and bring it to her)ether option would be good for hijinks and not invalidate her first big goof of chugging the growth medicine

TF Commando

Indeed, and the reduction formula might wear off in fits and starts, causing her to “expand” to various fun sizes along the way.


She'd be in such agony. >_<