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Okay, here's my plans for the next few comics-

Comic 11-

Max stops her sister from showing too much affection (for Sam) by getting her Mom and Sam to hug-- allowing Max to mingle.

Comic 12-

Trying to show time is passing.  I don't know if I should try to show every female here as bustier than Max?  Even if they don't look related?  (i.e. should both women here be bustier, even if the dark haired one at best must be less related?)  Max overhears her brother-in-law Noah and someone else talking.

Comic 13-

I don't know if they directly say it's a breast growth formula or not, or if it's a read-between the lines thing.  Whatever they say here or later, it's about bringing out your maximum potential genetically.  The results are completely unpredictable, but it's just provoking their bodies to do what it could have done anyway.

Comic 14-

Max is just stunned, then still stunned with the same face with their father, who imagine is some giant hulking guy.  I have the theory that their parents are retired superheroes.  Maybe they don't have powers anymore.  Then cut to the end as if Max wasn't paying attention to anything else... although maybe this it too fast of a cut I should space it out a little more.

Comic 15-

Some kind of wrap up with Sam, maybe she accidentally encourages Max to get bigger breasts?  She does mention that Ben, Max's boyfriend is away (still, from earlier in the comic).

Comic 16-

The first NSFW comic in the series.  We see Max topless as she considers what to do.  I'm not sure how fast to make the pacing here, Max is a very attractive woman- and doesn't really need bigger breasts, but probably wants them, but never thought it was possible.  She probably just wants to compare better to her family.  She doesn't have any big plans.

Comic 17-

I thought the funniest and fastest way to cut ahead was to have her talking about the whole thing and then display she's talking about it in front of Noah, Sam's husband.

There's a few things that need to be covered here past this-

One is I need to give a reason why Sam doesn't want to do the experiment too (at least at this point).  Her reason might be that she's bustier than her Mother was before children.  She's worried as she and Noah have children that she'll already get a lot bigger.

The second is that I need to give Noah a reason to allow Max into the experiment.  Three options come to mind-

  • Sam doesn't know about the experiment, and Max threatens to tell her.  Either Noah doesn't want her bigger, or he worries she'd be too competitive and get bigger than she'd want.  This one seems unlikely it's the most unnecessarily dramatic option.
  • Max convinces Noah she's be the perfect wildcard into the experiment, that's she the smallest from a busty family.  This is the most logical option.
  • Maybe Max says she'll give him sex advice with Sam?  That they talk about everything and she can verbally (and with notes) help him wreck his wife.  Max says that with Ben away, she's living vicariously through them.  This is the silliest and most sexy-comedy-logical one, but I'm not sure yet.




I'm a fan of the "smallest girl in the family yearns to be The Biggest Of Them All" trope in this kind of situation. I'd love to see her get a LOT Bigger, like around Tifa in Materia Enhanced, or maybe the Mega Yuffie BE pic. Nothing immobilizing, but certainly the undisputed Boob Queen of the family. If she hasn't already taken it, the breast growth formula could be an excellent ticket to that. Also, a minor idea for her parents, since this is a lighthearted sexy-comedy thing, if her parents are superheroes, maybe her mom's old superpower was something related to her breasts, which is why they got passed down so strongly to her daughters? Maybe she can alter their size at will to use as bludgeons (like 10t from My Hero Academia), or maybe she was a heat/fire-based superhero whose costumes all showed off a TON of cleavage to cool her breasts down, which is what attracted her father.


Max will eventually take the growth formula, but I want to have expectations in the story that she'll probably only get up to Sam's size. She'll certainly get bigger than her Mom, but I doubt things will get really crazy and she'll get as big as Xom, but your examples are possible (maybe Tifa for Max, and mega Yuffie for Sasha). In act two, Ben's younger sister moves in to go to college. She'll be the other one who definitely grows. I think she might actually end up the biggest at the end, just because it'll be more interesting- both because she's kind of Max's sidekick, and also that she's not from this busty family.