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Hopefully this is readable at this basic stage-

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Max is still being hugged by her Mom.  She looks over and sees Sam and her husband, who is some kind of scientist.  The joke here is that they almost never have any public display of affection, so even something really minor is scandalous.

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To shake things up, Max tells her Mom that Sam would like a hug too.  Max leaves into the party.

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A seq-way panel of Max with her feet in the pool.  Trying to show off time is passing.  Then Max climbs some steps to the second floor.  In the hallway she overhears Sam's husband talking to someone else.

It'll end up being about an experiment he's conducting to bring out undeveloped potential in people, specifically targeting breast growth.

I'm not exactly sure what happens next.  Part of me thinks she would confront him after the other person leaves and ask to be involved, maybe try to talk him into it in some way.  The other part thinks I should drag it out a little with her trying to decide if she wanted bigger breasts or not.  That she'd go home and a few comics about her thinking it over.




Good to see this one making it's way back into the rotation! 👍 If you're fishing for advisement/suggestions on how to get to the key pivot there, here's an idea to consider: Max hears the talk and dismisses is it as fantastical; it's be awesome if it were possible to let her catch up to her family, but something like that isn't possible. And then later someone *is* bigger and Max puts 2 and 2 together (whether this bigger gal is part of the project or not; the latter being a funny characterizing option for Max) and results in a panel of her cornering the husband saying something to the effect of "I want in."


Hmm, I'll think about it. I was worried that giving any kind of expectations would make her early changes less impressive. I also wanted to downplay what was possible for her so that she'd start with smaller goals. Like her first plan might just be to get closer in size to her sister, then the same size, etc. Eventually her goal might be to get bigger than her Mom.