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There's still enough Patreons for anyone to win, but voting has slowed down. At this point, I assume Amy will win.

If that continues, I'll probably draw two pictures- one for how I think she'll end up in ME, and one for what she looked like at the end of the old MM.

It seemed like Xom was easily winning for a while though. Lucy did surprisingly well, equal to Juno.


TF Commando

It was a tough call, but I did go with Amy. We didn't get to see much of her at the end, just her breasts against the cockpit. If you ever feel like revisiting the old MM, you could do an "Animal House" style ending, panels with narration boxes showing how everyone ended up after that last growth spurt. "Rikku became too buoyant to play Blitzball and ended up the team manager" and the like.