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Early versions of the next three pages. I hope this is readable.

EDIT: reposted the pages, and added a new page 423.  I must have uploaded these the wrong way from my tablet because they looked terrible.  Usually the way they look if I the Patreon app and not the web browser, but there may be another wrong way I haven't realized.

Some notes on the pages (now that I'm writing a post from my PC)-

Page 423:

This ended up being a page of Annie being embarrassed over and over.

Page 424:

Tabitha bumps Jessica's bag and notices Mastermind's helmet inside.  They confirm and act like it was obvious.

Page 425:

This is the first page of the next chapter.  So I have a little segway.  Annie and her Mom leave, Richard and Tabitha encounter Charlotte.  Then in the bottom two panels it's back to Annie and her Mom.  Annie's nervous about visiting the upper levels.

On the next page, she'll start geeking out at all of the upper heroes she'll see in the hallways above.

My reasoning about Charlotte is that she eventually becomes part of their team.  A D-Class team is just two, but a C-Class team is three (like Mira, Arim, and Evilyn).  B-Class and above are solo.

Annie and Jessica are going to start introducing the higher levels and more powerful heroes because we're starting to get the point were Pulse and Bolt will be active superheroes.  BUT right now, I want to give Annie the chance to fight Mean Evie.  Everything is aligning for that to be possible.



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