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After finalizing the dialog for page 421, I had a different idea for page 422.  It kind of gets to the point faster.  I haven't worked out all of the dialog yet.

I don't know what Annie's wearing in the last two panels.  I doubt she's wearing the black workout clothes from before.  She probably hid to change into something else.  She could be wearing the clothes she wore early in the chapter, or something new.

Adding in the drone here seemed to help connect this back to the start of the chapter, it also speed up introducing the idea that she was working on a new drone (obviously leading eventually to her having a drone or two as Pulse).

...Sometimes I'm all about surprising people or picking the strangest most unexpected route in the story.  If I wanted to go really unusual, I could easily see this setting up something where Annie's Mom would get breast implants.  If I had wanted to be really silly, it would be that here Jessica happened to disappear before Annie explains (or Annie says something that accidentally doesn't explain the right way), and she leaves expecting that Annie did get breast implants and she wants to prove to Annie that she made the wrong choice by getting even bigger implants.  Although I'm not sure the comic is silly enough for that, or if if someone was going to get bigger breasts that Jessica would be the top choice from readers.



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