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I don't know if this is of any value to anyone, but here is my really basic planning for Maximum Max 3-22 (with the exception of 4, which is partially drawn).

I usually write comics by first putting up a little blurb of text on the page, and then by roughly writing the dialog as I roughly letter it.

I figure that each chapter of the comic will be 25 pages.  This first chapter will be the period before Ben's sister Sasha moves in with them.  She will be introduced at the start of chapter two.

In this, I'm trying to leave a few pages open at the end in case something needs to be adjusted.  I already think I need to add a page or two before Sam is introduced showing that she's a video game streamer.

I think I might need to adjust the joke in the first page in this bundle.  It's obviously that she's pretending to be a grandmother over the phone instead of a 25 year old to get rid of the guy. 



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