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I've been trying to go back and look at old backup disks for the originals of old  (pre-2010) comics.  I'm having mixed luck about it.  I figure if I make this fully a SFW and NSFW Patreon, I might want to put up all of the old stuff that I made by myself (which wouldn't include PeEVEed, and maybe some of the shorter comics), and also consider trying to made larger versions than the old 630 pixel wide versions.

Although in my search now, I'm trying to locate the originals of any old comics just to have a complete collection on my HD.  These comics go back 20 years, back when it wasn't possible to store that much on your computer, and you'd HAVE to back things up to CDs and DVDs.

My first problem is most of these disks are Mac disks, and I've since (2012) switched to Windows.  I've installed a trial of something to let me read the disks, but I have five days to search through them.

The second problem is that the pre-2003 files don't have file extensions (like ".psd").  Back in old Macs, you didn't need to do that.  The system had a different way of knowing what opened what.  I have to just add the file extension I think it used, and try to open it.  The oldest image files I can't be sure how I saved them, they might have been Painter .riff files-- something Photoshop CS2 can't open.  Then I switched to .pict files apparently, before switching to .psd files in 2003ish.

So far, I'm finding big gaps in locating comics.  No copy of the old Pulse #1 yet, or #9 (the one about Apollo), no PeEVEed #2 or #4, no Missing Materia after #3.

Strangely, I haven't found any comic backup disks after 2008 so far.  The thing that impacts is I haven't found any backup of the last few MM chapters that I made digitally (they were the first comics I made after switching from hand-drawing my comics).  I also don't see the originals on my computer even though I have artwork originals from that time on here.  I've still got more DVDs to go through though.


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