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I am a couple of days away from finally finishing the Daggerfall Unity Settings and Basic Modding video.

I started working on this video 2 months ago. I think the sheer size of the task is partly to blame for me need of a break lol. The amount of settings, and new terms (to me) for some of them was a bit overwhelming.

I have finished editing the footage that shows whatever every setting does (except 1. I cannot get the journal countdown clock to work no matter what I try. Could just not be implemented yet?) Tomorrow I get the footage showing where .ini files are. Put the corresponding .ini line on screen for every corresponding game setting where applicable. Then start editing the basic mod management (in game manager) steps. And done = )

I hope you are all well = ) Thank you for your kind comments and financial support. 

I have also finished editing just over half (maybe more) of the next Sledge video = ) Hopefully that won't be too far behind the Unity video. A week or so after if I can help it. 



Paul Spence

Man you're up late. But that is what it takes to be excellent. Cheers man.