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When I walk I say hello to everyone I can. It annoys some people lol... and that's ok. It definitely feels awkward... that's ok, too. It builds my confidence and makes my mental health a little bit better.... that's all that matters.


Overcoming Anxiety by Greeting Strangers - Mental Health Walks

Join me on my journey to overcome anxiety by greeting strangers on my mental health walks at the reservoir. Watch as I challenge myself to say hello to everyone I meet, even if it means falling on my butt! .... I didn't write that previous paragraph but I did fall on my butt so I thought it was funny. The walks are for both mental and physical health. To get in shape. To push my agorophobia boundaries. I say hello to everyone I pass on the trails for various reasons ( confidence building, rewiring my anxious brain, just to be polite in case someone needs help....) Let's go for a walk. - Channel Support Patreon | Help Me Continue | http://bit.ly/HelpGamerPoets Ko-Fi | Patreon Alternative | https://ko-fi.com/gamerpoets PayPal | Tip Jar | http://goo.gl/oTXR6P - Chapters 0:00 Intro 0:05 Uploading Anxiety 0:56 Throwing Out Ice Cream 1:19 Driving to Lunch & Chatting 2:56 Face Sauce 3:45 Let's Walk 5:15 Nell-You-Wah? 6:00 Snacks 8:26 Turtles 12:06 Anxiety Check-In 13:48 Success! 15:30 Hi Mom!


D Rick

I like it. It's one of my... Progress markers? I try and be nice to everyone. As I am getting better, I can feel like... My kindness coming back. Mostly at service jobs is where I do it. Try and treat em like a person, make a dumb joke. Tell em their nails look nice.

GamerPoets & MichaelWontQuit

It's hard for me to interact with people in person. I found that saying hello while walking by (not expected to stop and talk so there's even less mental pressure) is the simplest way for me to "practice". Usually turns out well.