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The About tab here on Patreon has been updated. It's been needing it for quite a while. I haven't had video credits in years, not because I didn't want to have them, but because setting them up added another layer of stress to the creation process that I was struggling to keep up with.


I haven't been able to work on the website in a long time. I don't think a lot of folks were using it, as shown on the sites statistics. I'm struggling to afford a lot of the things that I have used for GP over the years (Video FX subscriptions, Music Subscriptions, both of which are now canceled). I've also been barrowing money to pay for personal life stuff and the website is a cost that is just too much to keep up with (especially since I can never find the time to update and add to it). I'm going to keep the domain name ModdingMyWay. But the site itself will likely be shut down at some point. I don't know when the payment lapses. It's annual. If I ever do a personal mod list for a game again I'll likely just make them on google docs (as I do for myself) and make them public for those who care to see. I'm not 100% on shutting it down but its definitely a thought in my mind.


I'm creating relatively steadily again, due to a boost in mental health. Hiking and walking has helped immenseily. I see a number of Fallout videos, and of course Elderscrolls content, coming down the pipeline and the random other game stuff, as has been the case for a while. YouTube is going to stay the same, and the main focus as always, in terms of effort and content creation. I've always wanted to create videos for Rimworld, Stardew Valley and a few other games but I don't know if I will ever have the time to commit to those. I'll definitely have at least a few Valheim update vids/additions at some point but they are likely a long way off. TES/Fallout are still the main focus for the foreseeable future.

... and I guess that's it = ) I wanted to keep you all updated with what's going on. I hope you all are well. I'm about to start figuring out this next video.



Persistent Pally

My Director of IT has our team starting to work out when he gets into town. Personally, he's having me get up at 5am every morning and do three things: Make my bed. Brush my teeth with my left hand. Look in the mirror and tell yourself "You got this". Then I walk 3 miles before 6:30am. I started the wakup this week, got the three things done, now tomorrow I'll be heading out to a lake trail to walk three miles.

Persistent Pally

Totally Motivated by Michael's efforts. CptStrategy here (Persistent Pally on Discord)