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🇫🇷 Bonjour à toutes et tous,

Mes mods ont tous été testés avec la dernière version du jeu, ils sont compatibles 🥂

Bisous ❤️️💋

Maïa Game


🇬🇧 Hello to all of you,

My mods have all been tested with the latest version of the game, they are compatible🥂

Kisses ❤️️💋

Maïa Game

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Thank you so much for being so quick to test your mods with each new patch/update, Please make sure that you are taking care of yourself though too.

Maïa Game

Good evening Constance (it's 8.17pm in France), thank you very much for your kind comment 🙏 I try to be quick and efficient for you ❤️ I have a "ready" file with all my mods, then I just have to test everything in detail 😅 Thank you again for your kind words 🙏❤️💋