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(Girl to Handheld Console TF)

(Danganronpa 2)

“Why do I feel like I’m gonna regret this…?” Hiyoko groaned to herself as she went towards her destination. It’s been a good few weeks since the school year started, and with Chiaki as her only female classmate, she was the obvious pick for all the teasing the little dancer loved dishing out, yet… she had to admit, it was getting sort of boring, Nanami didn’t fight back, but she wasn’t exactly a pushover either, which just made it all the more aggravating when she kept inviting her to hang out every few days without fail.

Obviously, Hiyoko always refused, yet… For some reason, this time, she caved in. Was it because she was bored? Lonely? …She wasn’t sure herself. The Ultimate Dancer accepted, and that was that.

Finally, Hiyoko reached the door she had never even thought of crossing, and quietly gulped. “Well, this is it…” She mumbled and without caring to knock, opened the door to see… an empty room…?

“Oh, did I forget to lock the door again?!” The dancer heard a muffled voice coming from the dorm room’s bathroom… So Chiaki was showering, figured…

“Gah, moron, what if someone robbed you?!” Hiyoko called out, mostly to berate the girl, but Chiaki simply smiled, happy it was just her classmate and not… well, a robber…

“S-sorry, um… give me a second, I’m almost done…!”

Hiyoko sighed in response and looked around the room.

“That’s… a lot of consoles… and cables…” The blonde’s sight instantly went toward the immediate area of Chiaki’s TV set, which… didn’t look secure at all. She knew Chiaki was more of a shut-in than most, but still, this just seemed… dangerous, like an accident waiting to happen, if someone were to trip… Then again, not like it was her problem, she’ll just go sit on the bed and–?!

The gal ate her words immediately. Without a second pair of hands to help, her kimono wasn’t put on quite properly, causing her to accidentally step on its fuki and trip over, landing in the gigantic mess of hardware and cables, shocking the girl in the process. …Yet it didn’t hurt, instead, her body turned orange, sporting a floral pattern similar to her own outfit, and its shape became much more blocky and cubical, w-what was going on?!

Chiaki!! What the hell happened?! Hiyoko yelled… or well, she attempted to, but no voice left her mouth… She did, however, hear a faint beep sound…? The dancer tried and tried again, but to no avail, her mouth just… wouldn’t open, wouldn’t work, and quite honestly, the girl was starting to doubt if she even had one at all…

Yet this sudden voicelessness was far from the only change, and the blonde quickly realized… It wasn’t that she couldn’t move her mouth, she couldn’t move anything. Whatever the shock had done to her had resulted in full-body paralysis, hell, she couldn’t even breathe…! …But if that’s the case, how was she alive…? What the hell was–

“Ah, a nice soak was exactly what I needed~” A certain gigantic gamer came into view, wearing her usual outfit. Hiyoko didn’t like it at all, it was just… a mess of colors that didn’t work together at all, not to mention all the barely-visible stains, which the dancer assumed were the result of Chiaki’s many all-nighters.

Still, the gamer’s questionable fashion sense was a secondary issue, a more important one was that… Indeed, Chiaki was ginormous… Not only that, she seemed… not at all confused…?

Hello?? Can’t you see me, stupid gamer girl?! Help me!!! I can’t move or talk or–?! The blonde was cut off by a remark she did not expect in a million years coming from Chiaki’s mouth.

“Oh, right, I almost forgot about you! Even for a bootleg, 1000 yen is pretty cheap… wonder what games you have, little GameBrat~” The pink-haired girl commented, looking straight at her classmate.


GameBrat?! What are you talking about you loon– A-ah?! G-get your Cheetos dust-covered hands off me!!

“Oh, did I leave it on by accident…? Well, hopefully the battery’s decent… Okay then, how about… this?” Chaki mused, disregarding the small beeps she kept hearing.

All of a sudden, Hiyoko felt like Chiaki had pushed some… part of her, causing a small click! sound to be made as she felt the world around her change once more.

It was like a gigantic, rectangular, glass wall appeared, separating her and the gamer as if they were in completely different worlds… and in a way, they were. Hiyoko herself suddenly turned into a small ship, and ‘her’ side of the wall turned all dark, with some weirdly pixelated stars in the background, and… aliens?!

“A Galaga ripoff…? But the sprites are more like space invaders… Guh, if you’re gonna make a bootleg ROM, at least put some effort into it…!” Chiaki’s voice was loud, but muffled.

Well, at least they’re just… there, not attacking…


What are you?! G-get out of here, you stupid prompt, Chiaki, do something instead of just staring at me and–!


Sadly, the gamer did as the screen said and pushed the yellow-colored button sitting right under the screen… And began to play this clearly fake version of Galaga, finding her experience much as she expected (not much you can do with such a simple game, after all!)

On the other side of the screen, however, Hiyoko was beeping at the top of her lungs, the sound blending in quite nicely with those of all the aliens/spaceships being blown up by her very own… hand..? cannon…? W-whatever it was!!

Whenever the gamer pushed left on the D-pad, Hiyoko moved left, if she pushed right, she went in the opposite direction, and every A press was a shot taken. No matter how much she wanted to, she couldn’t resist those simple limitations, nor could she high back against Chiaki’s control.

Thankfully, the Ultimate had played this particular retro classic a lot when she was younger, hell, she even had a pin with the player-controlled starship on it! (Though she much preferred her new bunny-and-bear combo ones, apparent by the fact she was wearing them now… and most of the time, really) And as such, it came as no surprise that she was now on the 10th wave and was still on full HP… in fact, she probably could’ve gone for hours if she chose to, but alas, she wanted to try what other things the tiny piece of hardware had to offer.

And for once, Hiyoko didn’t mind the sudden change of pace. There were way too many close calls, where she was mere pixels away from being shot, and… if she was, what would’ve happened…? She didn’t want to find out, that much was for sure…

“Hmm… that’s sort of interesting, it’s got bootleg stuff from the Atari, Gameboy, NES, even… Guess they just tried to get the most recognizable stuff, not just stick to a theme…” While it wasn’t written on the console itself, the packaging was proudly announcing that it had ‘’99 games in 1!” inside of it, an… admittedly interesting idea, but Chiaki knew better than to take that at face value, most of these sorta bootleg consoles had maybe 20 games in total, with a lot of repeats or slight remixes to fill in the other spots.

And so, Hiyoko’s painful ‘adventure’ had started, as her body’s new owner hopped from game to game. There was this one where she was a plumber jumping on some sort of nurse-turtles (nurtles?), one where was on a bike, a lot of random sports ones ranging from golf to tennis, and this weird one where she was the plumber again, but this time she was trying to get to a gorilla…? At some point, Hiyoko was certain she just grew numb to the weirdness happening around her, what in the fresh hell happened to her, w-why this…? Was she dreaming?! She must’ve been, there was no other explanation for this series of events, none at all…!

And now, Chiaki was at the finish line. The GameBrat had maybe 30 or so titles total, which was more than the average, but she was honestly getting bored of playing ‘Super Dancer Brat’ for a fourth time with just tiny alterations…

…Which is why the girl was elated when she saw that the last game on the list was Tetris. Good ol’ Tetris, probably her favorite from that era of gaming, the gameplay was stupidly simple, yet so addicting… Definitely a good end to a rather mediocre lineup so far, in fact, she was surprised it wasn’t put anywhere earlier.

But just like with the first title, Hiyoko wasn’t sharing any of that excitement or optimism, she just wanted this to end…! She had to applaud Chiaki for not having her lose even a single life during this quite literal marathon, but she just wanted this to end, to be a girl again, to not be stuck behind this annoyingly large glass wall!!

…But as the Tetris theme filled her ears, she knew she had to go on for at least one more round, if not more… She’d honestly lost count at this point.

Yet… this felt different. The dancer felt her body turn blocky and rotate exactly 180 degrees, only to instantly fall downwards. And after that? Nothing. She saw other things fall around her, but it was clear that she wasn’t controlled anymore, as, beyond the window to the outside world, she clearly saw Chiaki still moving her fingers around, so why?!

Hiyoko didn’t know what was happening, she physically couldn’t know what was happening, due to the fact she could only face forwards, but the truth was rather simple… Since Tetris had no ‘player’ character per se, she simply became the first thing spawned by the game, a singular orange T block, one that was seconds away from disappearing as Chiaki filled out the four lines necessary for a ‘Tetris’.

I-I’m back to not moving at all… g-guh, I’ll take the nurtles if it means I can at least move, Nanami! W-wait, why are you smirking l-like this, what are you–?!

With the last L block put in place, the first row disappeared completely, taking Hiyoko right with it…

A-ah?! What the hell was that?! I thought I died, n-no, I definitely died for a sec there, so why?!

This time, Hiyoko felt herself rotate 90 degrees instead of a full 180, as she was slotted along nicely on top of some other blocks.

…And so, the cycle continued. Hiyoko would spawn, Chiaki would clear a line, remove her, and after a few seconds, the same would happen, rinse and repeat. There were a few times when the blocks would build up on top of the former dancer, giving her some more time before it was her turn to disappear, but that didn’t make the constant ‘deaths’ any easier to deal with…

Especially after the fourth or so hour of it.

As mentioned before Tetris was addicting, and the gamer was more than aware that she wasn’t immune to that addiction herself. Sure, there were times when she’d lose due to the constant speeding up of blocks the further she got, but that didn’t stop her from just restarting over and over again every time that happened, so much so that by the time evening came…

“The battery died…? Guh, I guess I have been playing for a while, what time is it, like… E-eight PM?! Oh no, I have an exam tomorrow, I gotta…!”

Chiaki quickly plopped a new set of batteries into the tiny piece of plastic, checked to see if it was working (it did, but the console was still beeping at her, all aggressively…?), and got to work studying… Though she had to admit, the idea of playing just one more round was an enticing one… But still, she held out and kept on fulfilling her student duties… Well, with a single nap in between…

ZzzZzz… A-ah!

“That’s weird… I was… dreaming of a party with my classmates…? But they were all girls, and… no, that doesn’t make sense, does it…? There are only boys in my class, after all… But I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to maybe invite some of the kouhais from the newer classes…?”  Yeah, they could maybe play some games together, eat some junk food… Guh, no, now’s not the time to be thinking about parties Chiaki…!

And so, with one last look at all of her consoles and her newest bootleg find, the Ultimate sighed and went back to studying. It was boring, but she got picked for Hope’s Peak for a reason, so she should at least try to keep her grades up, after all…

And maybe find some friends to party with like the dream she had, that’d be fun~


So... this one turned out a touch longer than anticipated lol Was gonna go for a modest 1.5k as a thank you for the requester's continued patronage and to just give me more space to fit both the TF and the ending... but then it ended up being almost 2.5k words (which I managed to cut down to 2.1k, so it's a bit more reasonable lol) Still, hope you all enjoyed this little series! 


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