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(Girls to lingerie TF)

(Danganronpa 2)

“Do you seriously have to go…?” Chiaki whined, perhaps sounding a bit too much like a sad toddler, though she knew that moment had to happen sooner or later, their little party couldn’t last forever, after all… Still, it was fun! Even if 33% of the invited people didn’t show, the Ultimate Gamer still had more than enough fun with just Peko and Mahiru… Though perhaps that was for the best, too many cooks spoil the broth and all that, and if there was a person known for spoiling things, a certain tiny blonde that refused the invite certainly fit the bill…

“Come on, not like we’ll be gone for long, we’ll be seeing each other tomorrow during classes, yeah?” Mahiru raised a fine point, but it was still just… guh, even if it was small, this party was so fun…!

“Exactly right.” Peko nodded along.

And with that, the three gals got to cleaning the mess they’d made. Peko was working on all of the leftover snacks and drink containers, Mahiru was washing the glasses and other dishes using the dorm’s bathroom sink, and Chiaki was vacuuming up the carpet and floors. Though perhaps, calling it a ‘mess’ was a bit too harsh… It was definitely nicer and cleaner than Chiaki’s solo sessions, for sure. Yet, one thing still remained the same even then - all the cables of her consoles were almost tangled together, wasn’t that a health hazard…? Well, possibly, but not like it ever electrocuted anyone, has it…? It was… probably fine!

…Then again, perhaps the gamer wouldn’t be saying that if she saw what was happening behind her - two of her classmates colliding, Peko carrying an almost empty bottle of soda, Mahiru on the other hand, taking some similarly almost-empty glasses to be washed, but tragically… the less agile of the girls, the Ultimate Photographer, tripped on one of the many black cords on the floor, causing some of the soft drink to spill on top of Chiaki’s consoles, causing a massive shock to the duo, a shock that… went completely unnoticed by their resident gamer friend, who was simply humming the Tetris theme while getting rid of all the Cheetos dust present on the flooring.

“Phew, that was tiring, but… h-huh…?” The hard-working Ultimate looked down where her friends previously stood, but… They weren’t here anymore…? No, that was wrong, why would anyone be here, she was alone! That’s why she was cleaning all by herself! Still, that small revelation didn’t explain the other mystery she just laid her eyes upon… “Why is there lingerie tangled up between the cables…?”

Indeed, in between all the cords, there was a lingerie set that… wait, actually was it a set…? It certainly didn’t fit together… The panties were all black with a grey bow at the front and some red bits here and there, making it look rather mature, but perhaps more noticeably… they were surprisingly… thong-y…? Chiaki didn’t remember buying such a revealing pair, but then again, she didn’t remember not buying it, so…

The bra, on the other hand, was much tamer, being mostly olive green with some parts being either a white-and-red plaid or just white, with a rather neat red bow between the cups. And while the pink-haired gal was none the wiser, both of these were screaming at her for help, though neither could hear the other.

Chiaki?! W-why are you so big…?! W-what’s going on?! Cried the bra once known as Mahiru.

Nanami…? I feel so weak, and small all of a sudden, d-did someone attack?! On the contrary, the pantified Peko was more than willing to fight back, was her body not so… unwilling to cooperate…?

At the very least, both of them separately agreed on one thing - something was very clearly wrong, and their bodies felt… almost inanimate…? It felt weird to admit, but that was indeed the best way to describe it, it was like they were completely paralyzed, not to mention the shape was all wonky and inhuman, just what was happening?! And more importantly, why wasn’t Chiaki panicking when looking at them?!

S-stop saying nonsense about lingerie and help, I can’t move…! The duo cried in unison as Chiaki felt her mind fill with confusion. Well… if they were here, they must’ve been hers, right…? It was a bit embarrassing to admit she’d forget buying her own clothes but… it was certainly possible, if her mind was filled with games at that time…

“Hmm… I did spend the whole day sitting in place and eating chips, maybe I might as well…” Thinking aloud, the gamer scooped the two pieces of lingerie up and put them on top of her bed. “Yeah, a quick shower is just what I need!”

As if completely ignoring their presence, the Ultimate simply… undressed. Right next to the lingerie set landed a blue hoodie, on top of it, a light-brown shirt, followed by a pink skirt, a pair of already dirty blue socks, and a pair of hairpins - a bear and a bunny one.

C-Chiaki?! W-what’s with the sudden immodesty?! Mahiru cried as she was forced to look up at her friend’s almost-naked figure, bar a set of white undergarments covering all the important bits. If she could look away, she would’ve, but with her body in this state of seeming paralysis, all she could do was blush… though her fabric hasn’t become any redder due to it.

…And with that, Chiaki was gone, the girl having disappeared behind the bathroom door and leaving the two pieces of conscious underwear behind.

Nanami…? What do you mean, w-we just finished a gaming session, me, you and… Actually, Peko wasn’t quite sure. She felt like there was someone there with them, but the more she focused on that person’s identity, the more fleeting it felt, it was at the end of her tongue, but she could never quite figure it out. A similar phenomenon was happening to Mahiru as well, with the only difference being that Peko was the one she could not remember… What was going on, exactly…?

The duo of girls spent the next few minutes in painful silence. The room was completely still, and the only thing they could hear was a barely audible sound of the showerhead pouring water over Chiaki’s now definitely nude body.

Just… what happened…? Neither of the two could even begin to wrap their heads around it, the sudden paralysis, their weird body shapes and sizes, and the way their friend acted made no sense either…! It’s like she didn’t recognize them, or worse, like… like she didn’t think they were human, or something…! H-hell, both Peko and Mahiru clearly heard the word ‘lingerie’ being thrown their way, but… no, surely, that was silly!


After what felt like much too long, the girls’ best chance at… anything, really, came back. Still slightly wet, and with a towel wrapped around her torso, Chiaki left the bathroom door open to let the steam out, and turned towards her attire.

There it was again, that gaze, it lacked any recognition. It was like Chiaki was looking at something, and not someone, and while both of the yet-unaware lingerie pieces were hoping for the best, the idea that they’d been robbed of their humanity kept creeping back into their headspaces, no matter how nonsensical it sounded.

…And seemingly, their suspicions were proven right, as Chiaki dropped the white cloth covering her body and reached out to put them on, one by one.

The Ultimate Photographer was the first to experience the arguable pleasure of being worn, as the girl was scooped by her friend and promptly put up against her bare breasts, an action which would’ve given Mahiru goosebumps (and not the good kind) were she to still have skin, but alas, all she could do in her current form was squeal silently as the back of her head touched a pair of nipples of her classmate. Right after, she felt Chiaki’s arms go through her own set, though to everyone else in the world, they looked nothing like - they were instead a set of straps to keep her from falling. Finally, a click was heard and the wings that used to be the redhead’s legs were connected. With that, she was now secured tightly around Chiaki’s chest, supporting the gamer’s rather sizable boobs, doubly so now that she was so small…

S-so… tight…! A-am I actually just clothes now…? I-I have to be, h-how else would I be… h-holding up her boobs…?

“Phew, I was a bit worried it wouldn’t actually be my size, but it fits perfectly!” …Well, it was a teeny tiny bit too small, but Chiaki wasn’t one to sweat the small stuff, it was almost perfectly comfy, so that was good enough!

“And now…” Peko would’ve gulped if she could, as she saw the gigantic gamer reach her arm down and grab her with no trouble whatsoever, as if she weighed nothing, and without the ability to protest, it wasn’t long before the Ultimate Swordswoman found herself face-to-butt with Chiaki’s crotch and… well, bottom. With no need for any clasps to be connected, Peko was snapped on within mere seconds, and just like Mahiru, turned out to be almost perfectly sized for the gamer’s plump ass.

A-ah?! W-why is it so warm, w-wait, did Nanami a-actually put me on…?! B-but… W-what about Fuyuhiko…? I-I can’t… become clothes and leave him…!!!

For a second, Chiaki contemplated whether to put her current outfit in the laundry bin and put on something fresher, or if she should keep wearing it, ultimately deciding to do the former - after all, she put all of these on today, just a few hours ago, as opposed to the lingerie she’s been wearing for… she didn’t exactly want to admit how long…

Still, the decision was made, and the already inhumane treatment Peko and Mahiru were being subjected to only got worse as they were bathed in darkness by Chiaki’s shirt and skirt, quickly followed by the rest of the gamer’s comfy attire. Yet… the inability to see, while certainly annoying, was not the only issue. Simply put… it was stuffy, very much so, in fact. Mahiru certainly got the shorter end of the stick, as she was hidden under 1.5 layers of clothing - a number that would rise to 2 whenever Chiaki decided to zip her hoodie shut fully. Yet even now, it was far too many, despite not doing anything remotely strenuous, the heat and sweat were becoming unbearable rather quickly, and it wasn’t long before the former Ultimate felt her fabric body absorb some of the fluids…

Peko was faring a bit better… for a moment.

“Ah~ Feels good to be in my clothes again…” Without much thinking, the unaware behemoth sat down in front of her TV and went back to what she did best - playing games, of course, while sitting on her ever-comfy beanbag, cutting off all the air the panties were enjoying moments prior and putting her in a spot as bad, if not worse, than her brasserie counterpart up top, as she had to deal not only with heat and sweat, she also had to hold up much more of Chiaki’s weight than just her chest…

But of course, their wearer heard none of the gagging, begging, pleas, or other concerns. She did feel weirdly lonely, true, but that was mostly because her only female classmate - Hiyoko Saionji - refused to accept her invitation to play together… Then again, not like that wasn’t to be expected, the Ultimate Traditional Dancer certainly was a tough nut to crack when it came to social interaction… Still, the gamer hoped she’d be able to befriend the blonde sooner or later… or at least make her stop calling her names… But for now, Chiaki was more than content to play some Bash Sisters Ultimax online, get her ELO up a bit before the day drew to a close and she had to move on to playing on a handheld inside her comfy bed… all while wearing her fitting lingerie she had just put on. Seriously, how did she never put either of these on earlier, they were so nice and snug, definitely a pair to keep for her most hardcore sessions~!

1 girl left.

To be continued.


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