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Spoilers for Danganronpa 1 (Chapters 1 and 2)!

This story is a continuation of Celeste’s Tragic Gamble & Kyoko’s Sugary Demise, and while it’s not necessary, I recommend reading these stories before this one!

(Girls to socks)

(Danganronpa 1)

An air of silence befell the halls of Hope’s Peak. It’s been four whole days since the killing game’s 1st trial, and while the terrible sights witnessed during it and the investigation before were still ingrained into everyone’s heads, two people in particular - Makoto Naegi and Aoi Asahina - tried to raise everyone’s morale with their neverending optimism just a tiny bit, which, while not causing a monumental change, was still a nice disruption of the status quo of the previous few days…

And yet, despite that, the building felt more lonely than ever.

Nobody could put their finger on it, it’s not like anyone went missing ever since the trial ended, still, it was a unique experience… At least for those who cared - which was almost everyone except a certain author currently locked up inside of her bedroom.

The Ultimate Writing Prodigy, Toko Fukawa was… an intriguing person to say the least. She, like all the other participants, wanted to escape this cursed school, yes, but she didn’t care enough to make an active effort to do so. Instead, she opted to remain cooped-up in her room, only ever coming out to eat and keep Byakuya company, rather blissfully unaware that the boy wanted nothing to do with her. Yet, even with the door locked, she wouldn’t be left alone for long, as a certain black-and-white mascot simply poofed into existence in the middle of the girl’s safe haven.


“H-how did you get there, you shitty bear?!” Instantly, Toko jumped up in surprise, sadly having to stop a writing session she was right in the middle of.

“Your words wound me, they truly do…” Monokuma frowned. “I thought I’d simply pay our most antisocial participant a visit!”

The braided girl growled some obscenities under her breath. “I-I’m not antisocial!”

“Sure you aren’t… anyway, you up for a contest?” The bear asked, but only got a glare in response, prompting him to add, “There’s rewards in it for you!”

That got a bit more of a reaction out of Toko, though the girl was still skeptical, rather visibly so as well. “What kind of rewards…?”

“Pufufu, whatever you desire~”

“...S-so… me and Byakuya can escape this shithole?”

“...Whatever you desire except that one thing, that’s like wishing for more wishes! Not to mention trying to smuggle a boy alongside you, have you no shame?!”

…Yep, Toko should’ve expected it wouldn’t be that easy. “T-then I’ll pass… n-not to mention, I’m not a moron who’d fall for your obvious tricks…” The writer picked her notebook back up, ready to start writing again but…

“...Okay then, how about I help you sort out your… personality problem~?” The purple-haired woman looked at the bear but didn’t respond.

“Yeah, it’d be a crying shame if your alter ego went and murdered that blonde four-eyes, wouldn’t it? But I can make it so that she won’t, in fact… She’ll never kill anyone again!”

“W-what’s in it for you…? You obviously want as much chaos as possible, s-so why help…?”

“I told you lot, I’m a bear who respects the rules! You might share the same body, but I’m not sure if I should count you as two contestants or not, and it’s driving me crazy!” It was true that Monokuma had yet to break any rules, yes… It all still felt iffy at best, but nothing actually contradicted his words… He could kill her, sure, but that’d be going against the rules, right…? E-either way, she was risking either her or Byakuya’s life…

“...Fine… What kind of contest is it, a-anyway…?”

“A writing one, pufufu~” Toko’s brow furrowed. Writing? That was her talent, true, but not Monokuma’s. It was like challenging that dumb bimbo, Aoi, to a swimming contest! …Then again, with his robotic body, maybe he would’ve stood a chance either way.

“What’s with that look?! I’m a bear of many professions, not just making killing games and teaching! Though if you want, we can make it more even… we’ll write… poetry~” The mascot grinned.

“P-poetry? I-I can do that, I guess… W-who’s going to be the judge? Hifumi? Please not Hifumi, I refuse to accept him as a fellow writer.”

“The two of us, obviously! This is a very secret contest, can’t have others thinking I’m giving you preferential treatment!”

“You’re totally gonna rig the score in your favor, then!”

“Won’t! I swear on my honor as a bear scout! You even get to veto it if you think I’m being biased!”

“Guh… I still don’t trust you… But let’s get this over with…” Toko frowned. “That’s what they all say~” Was all she got in response, as Monokuma cackled mischievously.

…And not wanting to waste any more time, the duo got to work on their poems. While this wasn’t her usual writing medium, Toko was relatively confident in herself, after all, at the end of the day, poetry was just writing whatever and making it sound classy and rhymed, right?

…Sadly, it turned out to be quite more complex than that, and with Monokuma having seemingly finished already, the pressure was on… But after around half an hour of silence, she was ready. It admittedly was far from her best work, but for someone who only ever dabbled in poetry before as opposed to an actual poet, it was decent enough… Not to mention that the girl’s expectations for Monokuma’s writing skills were… rather low, though she didn’t want to underestimate the bear either.

“Done.” Toko stated as her opponent stopped his pen as well. “Great, I’ve been done for 29 minutes~ I’ve just pretended to write more than that to mess with you, pufufu~”

“Stupid bear… Whatever, I’ll just go first…”

And so she did, reading out her tearjerker of a poem, causing even Monokuma’s eyes to mist up… Though how real the spectacle was was debatable.

(Sadly the poem was much too lewd for the standards principal Monokuma tries to uphold, so we can’t show it publicly, just pretend it’s there and it’s very good! Yep! Definitely not laziness and lack of poetry skills on the author’s end!)

“S-so… beautiful… You win, you win, I give up…” The black-and-white mascot dropped his paper which Toko promptly picked up, this was all so wrong! What was the bear up to, what was this completely out-of-place reaction trying to accomplish?!

Whatever Monokuma had planned, it wasn’t good, and the writer quickly realized that she messed up, and badly… Maybe the poem would explain something…?

Nope, it only confused her more.

“In a battle of poetry, you beat me fair and square,
which makes total sense, I’m just a simple bear,

now, for your prize, I’ll lift your curse,

as you lick the airhead’s feet and get lots of use~”

“H-huh?! What’s that supposed to– ‘use’ and ‘curse’ doesn’t even rhy–?!” Toko was cut off as she felt her muscles tense up and give out, her now paralyzed body falling to the floor as she was forced to look up at none other than Monokuma, whose behavior did a yet another 180, coming back around to his usual, smug self.

“Pufufu, you never learn… They say that the third time’s the charm, but apparently not, pufufu~! Still, I did promise I’ll help out with your issue, so I will do just that… by splitting you two up!”

What?! Split— Wait, he can’t mean… Ignoring the obvious, that it was simply impossible to separate a single body into two (without killing said person, at least), how’d that fix anything, they’d just have Genocide Jack running around and—!

Toko stopped. She was shouting at the bear, yet no words came out of her mouth! A-and it wasn’t paralysis either, it was as if… N–no, it couldn’t be, could it…? Yet the writer couldn’t deny a simple fact she had just now learned about her body… Her mouth had vanished. Completely. Not only that, she could physically feel her form condensing onto itself, which… surprisingly didn’t hurt, but that didn’t stop it from feeling freaky as all hell…

That wasn’t even the weirdest part of this whole affair, that came mere seconds later as the Ultimate’s body… split in two…? A-am I seeing things…?! U-u-undo this right now, you shitty ursine! Toko cried out and… was met with a familiar, yet never before heard voice… Her very own one.

Yeah, what the fuck are you doing to me?! I’m gonna slice your dick off if you don’t explain yourself!

H-huh?! Who are you?! Why do you sound like me?! W-wait, you can’t be–

Why do you care?! I might only attack males, but I can slice you too if you keep asking annoying questions!

Wait, only attack males…? So it was true! That stupid bear seriously split her and Jack apart, but how?! And why was her body still getting smaller and… simpler…? Finally, Toko realized that whatever the bear was doing, it was no mere paralysis. It’s not that her limbs refused to move, no… They were simply gone. Nonexistent, just like her mouth. To any onlooker, it’d be obvious what she was becoming, as both halves of the girl’s body flattened, her skin turning to fabric and promptly being dyed a purple reminiscent of her hair color with some white streaks here and there… Both Toko and her alter-ego, Genocide Jack became a pair of rather basic socks, and with a single finger snap from Monokuma, the two were sent away to meet with their wearer-to-be…


Aoi Asahina hummed quietly while making her way towards the dormroom she had the displeasure of calling her own… It’s not that it wasn’t a nice place, it certainly was, but… She just wanted to get out of this stupid school! At least the lunch was nice, she supposed, as was the opportunity to talk with some of her friends during it… But eating meant calories, and calories meant fat, so it was only logical for her to go and train a bit! …After she changed out of her sweaty socks, of course… Thank god Monokuma provided spare clothes, at the very least…

And so, the athletic Ultimate reached her abode, and after making sure to lock it from the inside, went to take a look inside her wardrobe… Or at least she was planning to, but something else piqued her interest the second she turned around to see her bedding with a small yet noticeable addition… A pair of purple socks.

“Wuh…? I definitely kept it locked up, so how…?” The swimmer went over to see the footwear more clearly, unaware of the panic she just inflicted upon the sentient clothing… or at least one half of it.

The paralysis was one thing, but neither Toko nor Jack expected to see the gigantic face of Aoi, not to mention the girl’s equally gigantic body that bathed the two in its shadow completely.

“Well, it’s a nice pair, I suppose… Are they a new pair of spares…? But all of those are white, so how…? W-wait, it’s not a trap, is it?! Some sort of poisoned– Wait, that’s dumb… Can you even kill someone using socks…? Guh… I-I’m always saying to trust one another, but when the time comes, I can’t even trust some foot covers… W-whatever, I’ll just put them on to show whoever gave them how nice I am!” Asahina scooped the legwear up, high into the air… from their perspective at least, in reality, it was around Aoi’s face.

A-ah! P-put me down you crazy bim– H-huh?! What do you mean ‘socks’?! Are you blind, or something?! Toko shouted in protest.

Yeah, what the hell?! Don’t you know who I am, you dumb bitch! Her other self chimed in. Actually, was it Jack…? It made too much sense for it not to be her, yet Toko never actually confirmed it, and while the whole Aoi situation was quite urgent in its own right, the Ultimate decided to check just that.

W-wait, you’re actually Jack, aren’t you…? I-it’s so weird… I knew you were inside me all along, but… I never would’ve even dreamed of getting to talk to you like this, hell, we don’t even share memories!

Whatever, you’re the chump who I share this body with, right? Nice to meetcha, I guess, though I personally like Jill more than Jack–?!

Yet, despite her bravado, even the once-human serial killer was rendered speechless as she got the dubious pleasure of being lowered to the floor level and…

W-what are you doing?! H-hey, I don’t wanna get on your smelly-ass fee– Agck!

Indeed, while the duo was sharing their greetings, the gigantic swimmer took her white socks off, and… Actually, to call them white still would be a bit of an untruth considering a fair bit of their underside was a mix of brown and green… Still, they did use to be white when she got them, at least!

Were Jill not as furious as she was, she might’ve noticed just that, that this torn-up, used sock was the life she’d be forced to live if she was comfy enough to be worn more than once… and unfortunately for both of them, she was.

“Ooh, this is some great stuff… Purple isn’t my color, and darker shades aren’t that great since they absorb more heat but still, that’s mighty nice…” Aoi praised the footwear as her hand went over to grab the right half of it, putting it on as easily as the first, the fact that she didn’t have to hear the pair’s ear-shattering screams certainly helping her with it a fair amount.

Bleh! Wash your feet before you put me on, you damn airhead! What did I even do to deserve this?! It should be a useless moron like you who gets to become my clothes, not the other way around!!

As much as she hated it, Toko had to admit the truth, she and Jill had become clothes. Simple socks to be worn by a girl who they both saw as beneath them. Sure, she had a nice rack, but they were the talented writers/serial killers, not her! She probably wasn’t even that good of a swimmer, she just charmed whoever judged with her bod and–?!


A tremor rippled through the former girls’ bodies. Now done putting her new footwear on, Aoi was ready to go and train some. …And of course, it meant putting her feet on the floor, and crushing the socks that now adorned them… To her, and anyone else in the world, it was such a simple and basic action, she paid it no attention, but the same couldn’t be said for her foot-hugging passengers who were out of nowhere forced to hold up such a herculean weight…

Agck! S-so… heavy… o-owowow…!

Gah! Take me off, you bitch!

Yet, obviously, Aoi felt no need to put her sweaty socks on, what would be the point? Those purple ones were doing as good of a job as any, if not better… And they’d learn that the hard way, as their wearer did exactly as promised, putting her sneakers back on, locking the door behind her and going on a jog around the hallways.

It was a bit scary for Aoi, considering they were part of a killing game, as it were, and Sakura wasn’t here to protect her if necessary. Yet, those worries soon vanished as the lithe girl picked up her pace, focusing entirely on her training regiment. Time flew by with each lap finished, as her feet grew sweatier and stinkier with each step taken, something Toko and Jill would grow to know very well as a near-constant flood of sweat filled their mouths which, as it turned out, were everywhere. No matter what spot, if something touched their fibers, they’d taste and smell it all, and to make matters worse, they both quickly realized to be very absorbent, sucking up any sort of liquid their new unmoving bodies came in contact with. Not to mention, it was so dark, stupid shoes! Hot, murky, moist, smelly, and salty - it was truly a devastating combo of adjectives that described the duo’s current situation perfectly, no human should ever be subjected to this, not even the likes of Jill!

But of course, they weren’t human anymore, were they?

The seemingly never-ending barrage of footsteps continued, proving devastating enough to silence even Jill, whose insults towards Aoi’s body and intelligence became less and less common, replaced instead by sounds of gagging and painful yelps, similar to the ones Toko has been producing ever since this jog had started… And in a way, the writer was grateful for that.

P-p-please, shut agck! up, please!!

She never got to properly talk with her other self before now, but it was obvious that the alter ego was… not the nicest person. Well, that was sort of obvious, given the whole serial killer schtick, and it’s not like Toko was the friendliest either but… Jill just would not shut up at the start! She was much quieter now, but whenever they were going to get taken off, Toko wasn’t actually sure if the mental damage inflicted would be better or worse than what she’s been forced to experience thus far…

But there was a light at the end of the tunnel. After what felt like hours of constant abuse, Aoi herself was beginning to feel rather tired, much to the delight of her footwear, was this torture finally coming to an end…?

P-please, no more… The duo wailed in unison, happy, but much too tired by this whole ordeal to show it, not like anyone heard them anyway…

“Phew, I’m all wet… Guess decent socks do make a difference, huh…? I could go for a nice shower…”

Y-yes, please, go shower and take us off!

“...And what better way to cool off than some swimming~? Yep, I’ll do just that, use the pool showers and then nap like a baby… Hehe, I’m a genius!”


And so, Aoi made her way to the pool for the third day in a row now, happy to undress and don the black swimsuit she so adored while swimming a few laps, though not much, she was still rather tired after all this running, after all...

While her sneakers were rather clean due to lack of any dirt or what have you in the building, she still took them off as you’d do when entering the changing room of any pool, a piece of etiquette Aoi remembered well after all the swimming’s she’s done, be it casual, training, or races…

Yet she forgot one important thing to look out for when doing just that, something that was never an issue before, since it just seemed unlikely considering how little the pool was used by others…


A disgustingly moist feeling could be felt along the underside of her right foot as she realized she had stepped right into a water puddle. Filling Toko with liquid that was definitely better than sweat, but still not great, especially at such a volume, all at once!

“Oops, clumsy me…” Aoi giggled, not too bothered herself, the pair needed a good wash anyway… “At least it was just water, and not juice, like last time…”

Juice…? This girl really is as dumb as she looks… Jill sighed while her counterpart gagged from all the water she was absorbing, though those were thoughts exactly as well… Out of all the women in this place, why’d they get stuck with that bimbo as a wearer…?


Commission of Toko and Genocide Jill becoming a pair of socks for Aoi!


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