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(Girl to panties and bra TF)

(Fire Emblem: Three Houses)

Spoilers for the first half of the game!

*tap tap tap*

The barely audible sound of tiptoeing echoed through the sturdy walls of Garreg Mach as the cloak of nightfall fell over all of Fodlan. While most of the staff and students were either already asleep or about to slumber themselves, one girl was sneaking about, hoping to not get caught, otherwise… the consequences would be disastrous. The girl in question being none other than Edelgard - the heir to house Hresvelg and an Adrestian emperor-to-be holding a certain flask with sparkly pink dust inside of it.

And the teen really hoped this was all going to go according to the plan…

While readying themselves for their upcoming attack on Garreg Mach, she and Hubert stumbled upon a… rather interesting recipe. Even though Edelgard believed that her path was the correct one and there was no other way, this concoction could solve all of Fodlan’s Rhea-related problems in not only a much cleaner and less bloody way, but it’d be such a fitting end for the accursed Archbishop… The future emperor wasn’t exactly a lustful type of person, but she had to admit… the idea more than turned her on…

All she needed to do was get inside of Rhea’s bedchambers, spill some of this elixir she was holding over the woman’s belongings and viola, when the woman got in contact with the powder, she’d shrivel up to nothing more than lingerie set for the Black Eagles leader to scoop up and put on! Oh, it’d be such a karmic victory for Adrestia… no, all of Fodlan! And all of it, without a single drop of blood being spilled.

Suffice to say, the girl was elated once she reached the bedroom belonging to the woman she hated most… Right about now, Rhea should be making her way here as well, but if Hubert’s calculations were correct, there should be more than enough time left for Edelgard to make her move.

…But, just as the girl went in to sprinkle some of the mixture onto Rhea’s bedsheets, she saw it. There it was, in the corner of the room, looking over the intruder with its creepy, black eyes…

“A-a-a… a rat…?!” The white-haired house leader was barely able not to let out a piercing scream, but even then, her shock was quite vocal as it were… she hoped nobody was close or awake enough to hear that…

Trying to ignore the disgusting rodent, she clenched her stuttering fist. If a single pest was enough to defeat her, she didn’t deserve to rule over anything! With a gulp, she started to move again but realized… she just clenched her fists but… she didn’t feel any glass inside of it! Panicked, the girl looked down and saw what was perhaps the most terrifying sight in her entire life.

A shattered glass bottle and the powder strewed about, a big chunk of it touching her feet, but most importantly?

Some of it got onto her bare legs…

“What?! Did… did I drop it while that damn rat–?!”

Edelgard did not finish the sentence as a cloud of pink smoke exploded around her, and the girl’s body split into two, each half shriveling into a part of a red, lacy lingerie set… The powder worked exactly as it was supposed to…

If she could, the girl would be screaming her lungs out, at this point, she didn’t care if she was gonna be found or not, hell, maybe that’d make things easier, as she realized her fate the second that damned dust touched her body…

She didn’t want to admit it, but there was no going about it…

I’ve become underwear, and I’m stuck in Rhea’s room… could things get any worse?!

Well… there was one way it could be, and that’d be making her condition permanent, but to do that, you’d need to do certain… lewd things… Surely, as much of a dictator the Archbishop was, she wasn’t such a depraved person, was she?!

Oh no, Speaking of the devil… “Oh, what do we have here?” A mint-haired woman looked curiously over what used to be one of the students at her Academy. Rhea curiously picked the pair of red panties up and looked it over.

“What the… wait, this pink glitter… is that the powder we banned all those centuries ago, the one that transforms people? I thought all traces of it were erased… wait, then does that mean…?” Rhea turned the panties around a bit more until she found what she was looking for - the label, printed inside of the panties. And then, she was…


The former-human girl’s heart sank. How do you know that?! And p-put me down, it’s weird when you touch me like this! Almost… almost feels… good? Ah…

“I can’t believe it! You stupid girl, you actually turned yourself into undies! Wait, is that bra you too? Who am I asking, of course it is! It’s the same color!” The usually stoic woman’s demeanor underwent a 180 as Edelgard saw tears of laughter leaving the Archbishop’s eyes.

What?! Why are you laughing, you creepy woman?! Wait, is that… the hell? Are you… are you drooling?!

“You can’t even begin to imagine how great I feel… You probably wanted to use that dust on me, yeah? Well, guess you messed up, so now you reap what you sow, you bratty bitch!” Rhea grinned as she picked up both parts of Edelgard and threw them onto her queen-sized bed before beginning to undress.

“I spent so many months… forced to look at your traitorous face! I knew you were scum the moment I met you, but to think you’d actually try to pull something like this?! It just makes me so… so…


What the fuck?! What’s wrong with you?! Edelgard wasn’t sure what to think anymore. Should she be scared? Well, she was but… it wasn’t as simple as that. She was terrified, she was embarrassed, she was angered, all the negative emotions at once! But most regrettably…

…Rhea wasn’t the only aroused one.

What did this spell do to me?! I shouldn’t feel like that! I’m the princess of Adrestia, not a dumb bra or panties or whatever! Even if her boobs and pussy seem so hot and sexy and… No! I’m stronger than that!

“Ahn… I can’t even hear you, but when I imagine what’s going through your little, fibery head… are you disgusted? Do you hate me even more? Or maybe that magic made your mind into a mush? Do you even remember your own name? Do you just want to lick my vagina, you slutty little piece of cloth?!” The Archbishop was almost panting from just thinking about it all, how was she gonna hold it all in when she actually wore the girl? Actually… should she even hold back at all?

N-no! I don’t want to, I’m not just some… clothing… hell, my head hurts… but I’m not going to give in! Not in– The emperor-to-be tried to fight against these sudden carnal urges, but all of it proved for naught as the second her waistband snapped around Rhea’s curvy tights and the hooks on the Archbishop’s back clasped, the girl’s mind went blank for just a second.

“There, for such a shitty princess, you’re surprisingly nice and snug… but I suppose that has more to do with your royal blood than anything else…” The green-haired woman made her way onto the bed, the lustful look not leaving her face even once.

“Holy fuck, I can’t wait to break you in…” And without further ado, Rhea let her fingers do the talking as her self-pleasuring session began, this one, however, was much more entertaining than any other that came beforehand…

If Edelgard was barely able to focus beforehand, now was the moment her mind really became muddied as the girl’s panty-half was soaked wet, Rhea’s lady cum hitting the unsuspecting princess like a flood.

In, and out. In, and out. In, and out.

With every ‘in’, the former girl felt her mental defenses weaken, with every ‘out’, she found herself craving this pleasure more and more. Edelgard the Adrestian Princess was slowly fading out, replaced by Edelgard the Panties. The girl still remembered her life as a human, of course, but it felt like a distant and unpleasant dream. Why would she ever want to be something like this when she could please her mistress instead? Her sexy, horny, fuckable mistress…

“Ahn! Fuck, this is… pant so good… I haven’t had this much fun since that one time with… pant Byleth… Goodness gracious, you were worthless as a human, but you make pant damn good crotch cover, and that’s not to mention how you keep rubbing my boobs…! Can’t believe you of all people is gonna make me climax so fast… pant Though I guess you don’t really count as people, do you… my little slut~?”

No, I don’t! Mistress, I live only to pleasure you! I’m just your filthy lingerie! And as if to prove her point, Edelgard (or rather, whatever was left of her) decided to give it her all. All of a sudden, Rhea felt both the bra and panties vibrating as if they were alive… or maybe it was just Rhea’s horny mind imagining things…

Either way, the Archbishop felt her nipples harden as ripples erupted across her giant cleavage, and her pussy got even moister from all the vibrations happening in the area of her groin. In this act, Edelgard used up all of her leftover magic, all to pleasure her mistress, all so that she could taste some more of Rhea’s precious boob sweat and lady cum, along with all the drool leaving her new owner’s mouth and then… it stopped. The vibrations ended, and the lingerie was completely still again, unmoving like the object to be worn that she had become.

Without any magic left, the girl’s body followed suit after her mind, and the princess’ fate was sealed, now nothing more than some conscious lingerie for her beloved wearer. All this action drained both her and Rhea to the point of exhaustion, and without even cleaning up, the Archbishop laid on her mattress, juices still seeping into her new undies as she slept on the side, her boobs crushing Edelgard’s pathetically flimsy bra form, not that the boobholder minded in the least. If anything, it was proud that Mistress considered it good enough to keep on while sleeping, and she simply couldn’t wait for the Archbishop to wake up and insult her more...

As Rhea’s eyes closed and the woman drifted off to sleep, all she could think was how good this all felt, and how she just had to show Byleth her new lingerie the next day… Oh, they were going to have so much fun with their new plaything…


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