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Hello! December is over, and so is my hiatus, so I wanted to do a lil update cause... well, December and November were both kinda fucky wucky cause of some burnout and stuff... well, here's how I want January to look...

I missed a story in November (Lilly Bag + Lusamine Cosmog TF) cause of some burnout... I'll try to write it soon and make it a tad longer (or draw additional art for it to make up for being late) and post it in January but might be pushed to February if things get really frantic cause...

I'm gonna have 2 big exams in early/mid January, so expect a bit less this month... Sorry to start 2022 like that after taking such a long break, but hopefully you understand! 

The rest of the month will be the same, will do a suggestion box tomorrow and do story/art based on that, also expect one or two normal stories in addition to that. As a sidenote, I plan on opening up drawing comms late January/early February so... well, not sure what to expect, but may be lot more art than before so... look forward to that? I'll still try to balance thing a bit tho~

PS: Some of you may have gotten a notification (or just straight up saw the post itself) about a new drawing posted. This was a scheduling mistake on my part, it was supposed to go up a bit later, terribly sorry for the misunderstanding >.<



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