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(Girls to candies TF)

(Fire Emblem: Heroes)

Lucina was ecstatic, it was that time of year again, the Harvest Festival! Everybody in Askr was wearing some sort of spooky costume, be it a witch or something else, not to mention all the new heroes that got summoned! The princess strutted about the festivities, exchanging a few quick words with her friends, from Ylisse or otherwise - Nowi, Kagero, Henry, Sakura, Tiki, everyone was here! Not to mention her parents, Chrom and Robin would be coming soon too, they just needed to dress up first! As for her, she went with a rather unusual pick considering her stoic demeanor - a fairy. Still, she definitely wasn’t the weirdest one out there, and she was quite enjoying herself while waiting… until she saw her.

How could the summoner let her in? Lucina was already beyond appalled that they decided to summon the two grimas two or so years ago in the first place, but now to see the monster that killed her family and destroyed her world dressed as some sort of wolf-girl? Sure, the ancient dragon wasn’t the only villain present within the barracks... and thinking about it, she probably was a bit of a hypocrite when the likes of Surtr or Hel were around, but still… it just didn’t sit right with her! Seeing as it would be a while before her folks came, the girl thought to use this opportunity to exchange a word or two with the villain.

“What do you think you’re doing, scoundrel?” She ran up to the white-haired woman who didn’t seem to do anything at all except munch on some sweets and observe others… which wasn’t really that surprising. Kinda hard to imagine an ancient evil would know the customs very well.

“Go away, worm. I won’t talk to some stupid fairy heroine such as yourself,” Grima smirked while looking her rival over.

“At least I’m not some stupid wolf-girl like you…” Lucina pouted, only to crack a sneer when the all-powerful being before her blushed like some sort of tsundere… actually, with her twintails and all, she reminded the princess a bit of Severa.

“Why do I even have bother explaining myself to the likes of you… Just so you’re aware, I didn’t decide to dress like this. I just… woke up at the gate already in it and was told there was some sort of festival...Well, it’s not going to be for long! In a few hours, I intend to plunge this world into despair! Mwahaha!” Grima cackled evilly. Unfortunately, her threats didn’t seem half as scary when they were followed up by the villain stuffing her face with even more chocolate, still, Lucina couldn’t take any chances! As much as it pained her, the summoned heroes were unable to kill one another, but surely, a few good smacks with Falchion would work well enough to stop this evil intrigue from becoming reality! Even suggesting something as bold in her original realm would be pure folly, but here in Askr, she definitely stood a chance - Falchion was not only super effective, but she also had the weapon triangle advantage, after all!

In a singular motion, she reached for the Falchion, ready to strike. Yet before she could touch the dragon, a bolt of pink magic came out of the crowd, hitting the weapon’s blade, only to be reflected at the duo as they all cried out in pain from the sudden shock before losing consciousness.


Lucina awoke with a dizzy feeling permeating through her head. She tried to open her eyes, only to realize that… they were already open. But she didn’t see anything, how could that be possible? Even if she was in a dark room, she’d be able to tell the shape of furniture apart, but it felt more so as if someone glued her eyelids together! Actually… now that she had a while to think, this could be true… not literally of course, but there was this weird layer of… something wrapped tight around her body, which would explain the darkness.

The girl tried to unwrap herself, or at the very least… move, but she quickly realized she couldn’t. She wasn’t weakened or paralyzed or anything of the sort, she just simply lacked any motor functions a living person should possess to survive. Not only that but, just in general, all of her body felt way off, as if someone went and rearranged her whole body structure into this weird, circular form… what did the spell do to her? Who was the one behind it, anyway? From the look of things, it seemed to be a simple misfire, but if that were the case, wouldn’t the one behind it go and help her? It was probably hard to miss a human girl laying on the floor in some sort of wrapping… or a girl and a fell dragon if Grima was in a similar scenario. At the very least, Lucina could snicker to herself, knowing her mortal enemy was experiencing similar things, she couldn’t wait to see the look on her face!

And so she waited… and waited, but no one seemed to pay her situation any mind. She could definitely hear other people talking outside, albeit in a very distorted manner thanks to her new layer of questionable protection, but… nothing. She clearly was still in the vicinity of the festival, hell, she was probably in the middle of it, otherwise, the sounds wouldn’t come booming from every direction like they were doing right now, so how come? Was she perhaps hidden under one of the tables? Even then, Askr had plenty of good archers and other perceptive folks.

After a dozen or so minutes, however, someone did finally notice, albeit not in the way the girl could’ve anticipated in the least. Lucina felt herself… moving up? No doubt about it, there was a sudden force squishing her from both sides as her body went up and up, until it finally stopped. What followed was an ear-piercing sound of paper being unwrapped… wait, was she finally being rescued? The princess smiled internally to herself, finally, it was all over! But as she was looking forward to seeing one of her friends untying her own body, she was instead met with the face of her mother. A very big one, at that. It wasn’t even a conceivable difference in height, it wasn’t as if the girl was simply lying on the ground and looking up at the woman, she was around the size of Robin’s eye! Was she shrunken down by the spell? Then… did her own mother see her and help her? As embarrassing as it was, Lucina appreciated the kind gesture as she tried to thank her mother verbally but… she couldn’t. Just as she couldn’t move her muscles before, she couldn’t move her mouth now. Not even that, it was as if her very own parent didn’t even see her! Robin’s eyes were locked onto Lucina, but there was no understanding, no recognition, no nothing… except… hunger?

Surely there was some misunderstanding! Why was Robin licking her lips when looking at her as if she was some sort of snack? Unless… No, this couldn’t be possible! Before Lucina could even process this information, she felt her whole world move as the giant hand that held her jerked towards the woman’s mouth with Lucina as its one and only passenger before the darkness of a human mouth overtook her.

No, I can't be eaten as some simple candy! Mom, you can’t do this to me! I’m your daughter! The princess pleaded before a giant set of teeth smashed her into mush, only for her to be sucked deeper into the fleshy cave mere seconds later.

Robin gulped, content with herself. “Blueberry’s my favorite!” She commented as she made her way towards another bowl of candies.


Grima was fuming. What have they done to her, and more importantly, who was the culprit behind it?! Was it that damn Ylissean girl? Either way, there'd be hell pay once she was out of this cocoon or… whatever it was that was keeping her immobile. The fell dragon sighed internally. As much as she'd love to wreak havoc upon this pathetic world, it seemed that whatever was keeping her locked up was rather strong… or maybe she was just pathetically weak in this new, weirdly circular form of hers. Oh, she'd have her revenge once she was out and about!

The villain waited for… anything, really. Nobody would come to save her, after all, she's done back in Ylisse, and her struggles meant nothing when she couldn’t even move… What was happening? Was she even human at this point?

Her question was answered when she unknowingly found herself in a situation eerily similar to that of her Falchion-wielding rival, with her sides squished softly by some powerful outside force before being blinded by the light of the full moon. She was free! She was… tiny? If her body was still at least a bit cooperative, Grima would scream. The person holding her… they towered over her! It was even more pathetic since she had to admit that the one who helped her out was a mere child, now more comparable to an entire mountain! The big things that unwrapped her from this prison were just her fingertips, if the little worm wanted to, she could easily crush the miniature villain! Who even was it? The kid kinda reminded her of Lucina, with her blue eyes and hair, but it couldn’t be her. For one, she looked to be maybe 7 or 8 at most, wearing an...

admittedly cute red cat costume, and she didn’t have the brand or anything. Yet before Grima had the chance to learn the girl's identity, she was hoisted high into the air, finally meeting the kid's eye level… which probably meant she wasn’t very high at all, now that she thought about it.

H-hey little girl, could you please put me down? The fell dragon tried to ask, but was predictably met with silence. Even out of her prison, she still couldn’t move or talk… For the first time since she was summoned here, the woman felt this long-forgotten feeling… fear. There really was something terrifying about being at the mercy of a little girl, even more so as Grima looked over the child's face once again and noticed the drool that escaped her lips… she looked hungry. But what did that have to do with Grima? Surely, the kid wasn’t stupid enough to try and eat a living being, even if it was the size of a candy… wait…

This weird blockiness, the complete inability to move or talk, and the fact she was wrapped in some sort of colorful paper… Oh no! Surely… surely it was a misunderstanding, right? There couldn’t be anyone here strong enough to use such powerful magic! To turn a god into a piece of dumb candy… preposterous! Yet she could not deny it, if anything, the truth became only more apparent as the giant's mouth moved in closer… No, it was her hand that was moving! No! She couldn’t end up as some random child's snack! She was the fell dragon, she was supposed to bring everyone despair! She was--


"There you are!" A gruff voice of an adult man called as he finally found his daughter. Lilina sure gave him quite a scare, but Hector was relieved to finally have found his little joy. "No more tricks like this, young lady! Daddy thought he'd never find you!"

"Sorry, Daddy…" The little royal replied as she turned around to embrace her father. "But I saw candy and I couldn't stop myself!" She grinned while pointing at some leftover white chocolate between her teeth.


A dozen or so meters away, a little dragon girl sighed defeated. "This magic wand Anna sold me was a complete dud! She should've told me it was a one-use thing! I was gonna make myself a mountain of candies but that stupid thing misfired and did nothing!" Nowi grit her teeth and threw the pink 'toy' into the trash.


Hello! Sorry for the small delay, this story was supposed to come out earlier, but some stuff came up, not to mention I got a bit careless with my schedule resulting in me barely making it, but thankfully I was able to finish it before November came around! As a small bonus, I drew two quick pics regarding the story, I hope you enjoyed them! Also, this story will be posted on DA too, since... well, I'd hate to hide a Halloween special behind a paywall! I know it technically makes your support worth a bit less since this stuff's meant to be exclusive, but I hope you don't mind! Happy Halloween!


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