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This has been a long time coming, but I promise it's not anything nearly as major as it sounds. We'll be updating the tiers a bit, both in terms of content and presentation, with the intent of sorta simplifying it all and getting rid of redundant tiers. 

And speaking of them... here they are!

As you can see, the presentation is based on FE Awakening's UI, which I thought was a nice touch, but yeah, the tiers themselves are mostly unchanged, it's just that two of them have been deleted.

The first, probably more important one is the 'Kind Patron' tier, which was previously the 'base' tier. It gave the bare minimum, and was meant to be a cheap option for people who didn't care about the polls but still wanted to see TF pics every now and then, but... well, it's been over 2 years since that tier's creation, and I'd like to believe we've improved at least a tiny bit since, hence the minimum price has been raised from 3 to 5 USD, but hey, at least now the 'base' tier includes voting ability as a default! Hopefully it leads to the pollst themselves becoming bigger than ever, with even more great ideas flowing in!

As for the second removal, the previous 'Kindest Patreon+' tier has been deleted entirely. If you don't remember, its benefit was one colored sketch per month, and the tier itself only had 2 slots. Now it's been merged with its upper counterpart for a total of 5 slots, as opposed to the previous 2 colored - 3 shaded split. Again, it was mostly to just simplify and equalize everything!

The changes will go live next month, so for the remainder of March, everything is as it's always been.  I'll update the tiers themselves towards the end of the month, but I'm giving everyone this heads-up earlier so people have the time to decide what they want to do with this information.

Regardless of if you stay or decide to unpledge, I thank you all for sticking with us thus far!


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