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Good evening and welcome.

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Wiki Page Coming Soon.

New Features-

Lock-in Subinteractions - Lock-ins can now have additional interactions that become available when the lock-in is engaged.

Ornate Bondage Post (subinteraction) - Sex from behind. Becomes available once a lock-in is engaged.

Inspection - Now tells you how close a sub is to acquiring one of the three training traits (humslut, cum lover, masochist).

Failure and Punishment - Any time your sub fails an interaction, they enter a new mood- Punishment Due. This mood blocks all other moods and the sim stays guilty for 24 hours since last failure. Also severely reduces sub training gain. You can either use a lock-in interaction to remove the mood or one of the new punishment interactions that remove the debuff. After the punishment is removed, the sub receives a large bonus to the sub skill.

After purchasing Dominant license, you can use an interaction directly on your Dom to browse the internet for Dominant tips (way to increase your skill up to level 3 with a little time investment).

Lock-ins now track sub´s bladder motive- should it fail while they are still inside, the sub will have a bladder accident, receive an appropriate buff and humiliation training skill, depending on whether they already have the Humiliation Slut trait. All without being let out of the device.

Serve As A Chair - Sub assumes the position and works as a normal chair until told to stop. Read a book, browse the internet on your phone or chat with friends from this very classy seating piece.

New Integrations-

Brainwashing Machine Atropos - Accessible for any dom that has at least level 2 in logic. Although using it with skill that low might result in interesting results. 

Brainwashing (humiliation / masochism / cum love) - Allows for fast training of the associated quality.

Brainwashing (submission) - Doubles the speed at which submissive skill is gained for affected sim for several hours.

Sensory Deprivation Chamber (training lock-in) - Competent subs can be subjected to advanced masochism training courtesy of this chamber.

Sensory Deprivation Chamber (punishment) - Any sub that is due punishment can benefit from the enhanced shock systems this chamber provides. Doesnt periodically train, but is very good at punishing. Only suitable for sims that are not already Masochistic.

Vibe Saddle - Simple lock-in with low difficulty.

Dildo Pole - Simple lock-in with low difficulty. Trains the Cum Lover special quality.

Changes / Fixes -

  • Super speed enabled for lock-in interactions. Great time to lock some people into devices and go to work.
  • Tweaked inspection animation sequence again. Third time´s the charm, right?
  • Dominance skill now starts at level 1 (was 5). Expect to see more failures in interactions.
  • Added a help interaction directly on integrated devices to hopefully clear up why you might not see any available interactions.
  • Additional clarification on certain features.
  • Bestow Collar is no longer available while a purchase situation is running to avoid confusion.

Caveats -

  • Turn off nudity reactions and sex reactions in Wicked Whims to ensure best possible functionality.
  • The bladder failure while locked in doesnt actually spawn a puddle. Unfortunately the game does not have any controls that allow offsetting the spawn position, so while I know how to spawn a puddle, it will never be below the sim, but rather below the constraint. That just looks weird.
  • Serve as chair orientation is random. Dont use Wicked Whims interactions on it- spoke to Turbo about hiding the option but for now just dont use it, it breaks the interaction.

! Packages To DELETE !

  • [Kritical]SubsOnDemandService1b
  • [Kritical]trainingModuleAugustus1c
  • [Kritical]integrationModuleCaligula1c

Packages To Update (delete old version, get new)

  • [Kritical]BrainwashingMachineAtropos1d
  • [Kritical]DildoPole1a
  • [Kritical]SensoryDeprivationChamber1b
  • [Kritical]VibeSaddle1a

New Packages To Download

  • [Kritical]DreamsOfSurrender_1


Ran into few issues that cost me few days of work, but I still got about 75% of what I wanted to release this month done.

Only about a million things left to do, but hey, at least you have something to look forward to. The biggest feature that I hope to add and polish up before the year is over is autonomy. God help me. Anyway more integrations, more interactions, improvements to existing stuff ... all of that is coming as well of course.

This "initial" version is of course the amalgam of the three original modules- SOS, Augustus and Caligula plus some new stuff and tweaks. Dreams Of Surrender is going to be the name of this mod going forward.

Next month I will focus on subinteractions. While the example I worked on for this release is a sex one, these are going to be pretty varied.

Next release is the last poll winner, probably on Friday.

On the weekend, I have some work to do on the wiki (a comprehensive page for this mod) and Discord, so the plan is that September content will officially begin on Monday with a poll. Of course I know I still have some patching to do, so I will try to tackle the milking machine woes as well.

So, have fun and remember- report issues either on discord or my private messages, not in the comments below. Thank you.




Trying this now!


This has been great so far! Makes me wish you could lock sims in other objects, like the blowjob pole for example. Very awesome addition.


I've been enjoying this a lot! Really combines what I liked with all your advanced objects into something bigger and connected. I'll be watching this with great interest. Thank you!

Ray LeGuin

This is excellent! I've also been using Ella Noir's Flirty Fetishes. Is there any possibility of integration with that mod? So far I've never noticed any conflicts, though I think they do some of the same things.


Really amazing stuff, fits the fantasy/storylines I play with your stuff super well. I would love compatibility with the other brainwashing machine, as I really prefer its visual.


Hey i am fairly new and i just got this mod , but i need a little help , what and where can i find the SOS Business card i need ?

Jocelyn Shanks

in relation to someone asking about dog leashes, you could maybe add more animations to the dog house like cramped sitting maybe and add short leashes to outside of dog houses and maybe some ground pegs, maybe have pet slaves moo buffs uncomfortable or sad about being restrained on leashes and or uncomfortable about being locked in kennel kept outside