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Hey, its subtle enough


Three Swatches - Black, Red, Pink & Steel

Nine Variants

Necklaces Category


I wanted to make a different version of the old word collars I´ve made. Some variants overlap, some are different. Nothing extra flashy this time, I wanted it to be a bit more subtle than the old ones.

Last release of July stuff next week. When ... well thats another thing entirely. I am going to be travelling and looking at flats all week, so who knows when Ill be able to squeeze few hours of work in. Cheers.




This is awesome! The only question I have is: where did you get that leather hood? Is that something you made that I missed?


Apart from the base sims, makeup and hair, I made everything. Check out https://blackvelvetroom.com/doku/doku.php?id=content:clothing:lcuffset