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Bonsoir, time for some Jenga


Four Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink & Steel

Sculptures Category

Requires Dominance Bed package

Works as the "Slave" bottom cage variant to the original. Can be combined with the original.

Both the original and this variant of the "Slave" bottom cage include 9 large deco slots on top now.

Dont forget to update to [Kritical]DominanceBed1a !


Alright, since the poll was pretty one sided from the start, I started working on this yesterday. 

So, first things first- keep enough space in front of the cages to have them work properly. The cages are on three levels, the ingame stacking does not update the rig position, so I had to make a separate object at different heights, which is why we are limited to three cages stacked. The game really disliked me adding a footprint, so if you want to put the cages in the middle of the room, put something on the deco slot on top of the cage to dissuade sims from walking through. Anyway if anything is not working, let me know. Have fun and next release next week. Cheers.




Sims 4, always making things difficult for modders :D I LOVE these, thank you