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.... . .-.. .-.. ---, its like wheel of fortune.


Four Swatches - Black, Red, White, Pink

Sculptures Category

Into & Loop animation


So, lets finish up November with this. I said I would like to have the milking machine done this month, but out of two critical issues, I managed to solve only one, so you are getting it under the tree in December I suppose :). Anyway, this was actually something more than a WW object, but I accidentally deleted my mod constructor folder when I was updating it and all the work files I had in it ... so its gonna have to do as a WW object. First poll later on this week, first release of December either on the weekend or next week. Cheers.




This looks amazing! I understand you must be very frustrated with accidentally deleting the work files. You spent so much time on them; I would be too! Do you plan on perhaps ever redoing the deleted work files at some point in the distant future?


I'm so sorry :( I appreciate your transparency on this incident, your mods are really some of the best, I chose to support you after swearing up and down that I wouldn't buy into the patreon mod world but your mods changed my perspective. I actually could not deal with waiting for them to come out because they looked and sounded perfect, I just had to support you! I get excited each morning that I see a new release in my email and I will continue to support your high quality work regardless of mishaps! Keep on bein amazing!


Know how you feel, my normal trick is to do a bunch of work then get distracted by something and exit without saving!


Ya da bomb Krit!


Thank you. I will have to redo some of them regardless, because while I did lose work files for stuff like the atropos machine, I also lost files for as of yet unreleased stuff.


I decided to delete my downloads folder after about a year and the mod constructor doesnt have an installer, so it was sitting there, along side with ton of other stuff :). Thank you for the kind words, lets hope I can keep things interesting for you.